My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Not regrettable
This is one of those books where you struggle giving it stars. The ending was a 4.5, but the beginning was a 2, and most of the book was just a 3. If I could give half stars, it would be a 3.5. I rounded up for the author’s sake.
Why are the stars all over the place? Well, this is one of those stories where two people have an affair and the fiancé and wife are left living and find out about the affair and now have a child to raise. Personally, I don’t care for this plot line much and the writer didn’t make it stand out. It wasn’t funny, exciting, or anything. The beginning was mostly sad.
My biggest struggle with this book was probably the lack of answers about Jenny and Chris’ affair. We don’t really find out much of anything about it. When did it start? Where did their phones go when they died? Where were they going that they had a suitcase full of clothes? What happened to Chris’ car? What did those letters say? All these questions - 0 answers. Ugh! Frustrating!
My biggest enjoyment of the book comes at the very end with Clara and Miller. I hope they stay together forever. They’re so cute together.
Jonah and Morgan were an odd combination for me. I felt like Morgan lived a full life of denial and avoidance and only in the end of the book does she grow up and come to term with her feelings she’s always had. I like books with stronger women than her. My favorite leads are the ones who get pregnant and kick the guy they don’t love to the curb, not the ones who marry them and trudge through a life without passion.
All this to say that if you’re bored, this book will pass the time and it’s okay. Read it if you want. Happy reading y’all!!
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