Image via: https://www.hallmarkchannel.com/inventing-the-christmas-prince
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
OMG! That ending! A horse drawn carriage, crowns, and a Christmas Prince. What more can a girl dream of?! Here’s a quick recap and my two cents 😉
Quick Recap
Evan is a brilliant engineer, but not a good boss. He doesn’t understand how his actions impact his employees. He’s lost several employees and his boss threatens to put him on review if he loses any more.
Evan upsets Shelby by telling everyone they’ll need to work Christmas, and she says she’ll quit until her daughter notices a mark on Evan’s hand and declares him the Christmas Prince. In order to keep the Christmas magic alive, Shelby bargains with Evan not to leave if he becomes the Christmas Prince for her daughter.
My Two Cents
In case you don’t know, I love movies with a little bit of fate or magic in them. So, I absolutely loved that this family had the Christmas Prince story passed down through generations until a man with a reindeer kiss on his hand met the woman who had grown up hearing about stories of the amazing Christmas Prince.
But he didn’t start as a Christmas Prince. He started more like a Christmas grump. In reality, he wasn’t a grump; he was someone who doesn’t understand peopling. Yes, I’m using that as a verb! Sometimes brilliant people understand facts in black and white, and they have a hard time understanding the subtleties of why people are offended when they state said facts.
People like Evan need people like Shelby in their life to show them how to people and why it’s important to treat others with respect and kindness. Because without Shelbys in the world, the Evans of the world will continue to be cold and isolated and never know what they’re missing.
I loved how the wishes helped teach Evan little things along the way about being kind and caring. And by the end of the movie, Evan really was the Prince from the fairy tale. It brought tears to my eyes to see such a sweet ending. Loved it!
I hope the majority of people like this movie. I really enjoyed it! It kept pulling me away from the book I was trying to read tonight. LOL. In case you’re wondering, By a Thread by Lucy Score is super hard to put down!! She’s a fantastic romcom writer. But this movie was worth putting my book down for a bit. I mean…HORSE DRAWN CARRIAGE! WORTH IT 😊
Did you watch this movie? Let me know what you thought! Leave a comment!
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The acting in this one was amazing. Especially Ronnie Rowe.
The worst Christmas movie I have ever seen. Horrible!!
The song at the end of the movie…what is that? It’s beautiful! The whole movie was wonderful. The messages were also.
Loved this movie. Evan’s transformation is fabulous and I loved the ending.
Ya I felt like this one could have had more teachable moments for the kid and the mother. He was going to maybe lose his job! And you give the guy a guilt trip sheesh!
Loved it! I literally gasped when Evan rode up in the carriage dressed as a prince. I loved the scene where Shelby protested working on Christmas (as she should have) and was like, “Find me a box, I need a box!” And Grace was adorable and entirely believable being enchanted by the “prince”. Loved it!
Loved it. It was a great movie with great actors!!