Image via: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/54262549-midlife-ghost-hunter
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Midlife Ghost Hunter by Shannon Mayer
Hot, steamy, and not finished yet
I have lost so much sleep to reading this series! It’s hot, sexy (without actual sex), and I can’t put it down!
Breena is arrested for Alan’s murder. She must escape prosecution and head to New Orleans to save her Gran. She must decide who are true friends and who aren’t. If she decides wrong, she might be facing her death. If she decides right, maybe she will create her own family and find love.
I’m constantly amazed at how hot and bothered this book can make someone without there being actual sex. Congrats to the author for that! In fact, congrats to the author for allowing me to feel every emotion Breena feels. I cried when she cried, worried when she worried, and laughed when she laughed.
There isn’t a dull moment here. I couldn’t put it down. I stayed up late, woke up early, and read every second I could. I can’t wait to read the final book in the series! I really hope Breena and Crash wind up together.
This book has so many funny moments! My husband often asked me what I was laughing at. I love that Breena is a little older than me and I can totally relate to her accidentally almost peeing every other minute. When I feel a sneeze coming I run for the toilet, hoping I make it before I actually sneeze. It’s a real thing folks.
This is a must read story for anyone who enjoys fantasy romcoms. I hope you give it a try! Happy reading y’all!!
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