Image via: https://www.hallmarkchannel.com/the-wedding-veil-inspiration
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐
Oh man! I wanted to like this movie. But like the first movie, I wasn’t feeling it. Here’s a quick recap and my two cents 😉
Quick Recap
Emma’s career and Paolo’s new store aren’t doing well. Then Paolo wants to move back to Italy. How will Emma and Paolo overcome these new challenges?
My Two Cents
Uggghhhh! I don’t know what it is about this series, but I can’t get into it. Aside from the third movie (The Wedding Veil Legacy), I haven’t really been enjoyed the others too much. I think I liked Legacy because I really like Alison’s character and her leading man.
Don’t get me wrong…I love Autumn and Lacey! They are amazing women and they do well in these roles. I’m just not into these movies. I’d rather be sitting here reading my current book or watching something like Love on the Sidelines.
I’m hoping the next movie will be more my speed, since I liked Alison’s first one. But I also suspect one of the reasons I’m not a huge fan is because these ladies are already in love and married. Anything after this is just drama to have drama. I’m not that kind of girl.
I know there will be people who love this movie. There are a ton of people who love this whole franchise. Sadly, I’m not one of them. If you’ve liked the other movies, you will probably enjoy it. If you haven’t, then don’t waste your time.
Did you watch this movie? Let me know what you thought! Leave a comment!
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I just have one comment that I need to make about this movie. I was an Italian major and one of my biggest pet peeves is when Italian is used incorrectly. In this movie they repeatedly say “cannolis”. The word “cannoli” is plural and it is very incorrect to add an “s” at the end of it. I have taught this to my children so they now send me photos of signs that say “cannolis” because they know how much it annoys me. If one is going to use a foreign language in a movie the correct usage should be researched.
Enjoyed the whole cast of likable characters led by the accomplished and talented Autumn Reeser who is a pro in her profession. Her range of expressing emotions is astonishing and only seems to grow in each of her roles. The location on Victoria Island, BC is perfect and the cinematography clear, rich, and crisp. This is truly a delightful buddy film where three true friends stick together and move the narrative of the Wedding Veil series. Autumn Reeser and her co-star Paolo Bernadini definitely have chemistry and bring out the modern-day issues of a two-career couple. This time the relationship is a really long-distance romance: Chicago and Italy. Hallmark has grown into producing mature stories and has an excellent repertoire of actors and talent to bring intelligent films to their audiences. Bravo.