I can hear what you’re thinking…Tooth POWDER? Has Jamie lost it this time?What on earth is tooth powder?? How does it compare tooth paste? Why is this product called DIRT? Should I clean my teeth with dirt? Let’s explore The DIRT Tooth Powder!

Before I get into the tooth powder, I want to tell you what caused me to go looking for a new toothpaste. See, I’ve been on a path to replace toxic items in our home with natural alternatives. So, when my teeth/gums became really really sensitive and I started noticing holes developing in some of my molars, I decided it was time to look for something that could help repair some of the damage I’ve done. After all, these are the only teeth I’ll have until I’m no longer physically on this planet and I want to take good care of them! Alrighty, let’s talk tooth powder…
What is tooth powder?? Above is an open container so you can see what it looks like. Tooth Powder is a toothpaste alternative. It kind of has the consistency of baking powder or sifted flour and doesn’t foam when brushing.
Why do they call it DIRT? I don’t know the owners of the company and I didn’t reach out to them for comment, but I’m guessing it’s mostly because of how it looks. The SAND probably didn’t have the same appeal from a marketing perspective. Regardless, lets be glad it doesn’t taste like dirt! At least, I don’t think so, but I’ve never really eaten dirt. Maybe I would if it was flavored?
This DIRT comes in 3 flavors: Cinna mint, Super mint, and Sweet Spice. I only tried the Super Mint, which was a nice refreshing minty flavor. Have you ever had toothpaste that burns? Don’t worry, this didn’t feel anywhere near that minty.
But really Jamie, why did you want to try something called The DIRT?? Are you sure you’re sane? Yeah, my husband asked the same questions, but I liked almost all the ingredients.
Ingredients: Extra Fine Bentonite Clay, Natural Baking Soda, Green Tea Extract, Organically Extracted Hexane Free Stevia, Proprietary Blend of Mint Essential Oils.
I was having a really hard time finding a natural toothpaste that had ingredients I liked and good ratings. When I came across this, I was fairly impressed with the ingredients. So, I decided to give it a try. Bentonite Clay and baking soda are suppose to help clean and brighten teeth naturally, green tea is suppose to help reduce inflammation, and Stevia makes it a little sweeter, but this is far from being too sweet.
Unfortunately, there aren’t a lot of studies to prove these ingredients work for tooth care. This is probably the main reason it doesn’t have an American Dental Association seal of approval. So if you’re looking for something that has been studied and proven effective, then this probably isn’t the right product for you. Using this product requires a bit of faith without that seal.
So, how was my leap of faith? I used this for just over a year. During that time, I moved, COVID happened, and I stopped seeing a dentist regularly. Through all that turmoil, this was pretty good! It really helped with the gum sensitivity I was having prior to using this. My dentist was fairly impressed with my teeth considering how long it had been since I last had a cleaning.
Ultimately, there were a few reasons I stopped using this:
1. I was tired of having to be careful with it around my sink. You see, I’m a little clutzy at times. Especially when I’m waking up in the morning. This clutziness means I often drop things. In this case, brown powder went flying all over my bathroom on more than one occasion. Add two puppies who act like they’ve just been given the dog equivalent to catnip and it’s a recipe for disaster. Not only that, but when a tub costs about $15, dropping one of these babies is pretty expensive!
2. Consistency from batch to batch. I put in two different orders at two different times. The first order had a smooth consistency. The second order had a gritty/grainy texture. I wasn’t a fan of the differences between batches. It made me concerned about processing.
3. I missed the foaming paste.
Despite my reasons for moving onto Boka Ela Mint Toothpaste, this was a very good tooth cleaner. Consider giving it a try!
Use the link below to buy some DIRT for yourself!
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