Movie Review: A Winter Getaway


Do you have kids? If so, I think you’ll appreciate this. I’m not quite sure why, how, or even when, but somehow I wound up with two kids and a dog in my bed Friday night. The dog is expected, but the kids…not so much. Luckily, my wonderful husband took each child back to their bed and I was able to go back to sleep quickly. Unfortunately, when your sleep is disrupted, it can leave you dragging the next day.

Combine the middle of the night wake-up with my two on-call wake-ups this week and I was really dragging by Saturday night. I really really wanted to watching this movie though!

So, I stayed up just for this movie and boy am I glad! This movie had so many wonderful scenes!

Have you ever traveled on a private jet? If not, I hope you get a chance some day! The first time I was on one, I was just like Joe! Actually, I was worse. I moved the chair every direction it could go, opened every cupboard, grabbed the free drinks and snacks, and took pictures of myself (and the plane) every 5 minutes. It’s a fantastic experience and Joe’s reaction was perfect. The helicopter ride though? No thanks! I’d pass on that experience.

After the helicopter ride, the outdoor lunch looked amazing. Did anyone else notice the beautiful charcuterie board Courtney and Joe didn’t touch?! Oh man, I wanted to eat that whole board!

What about Joe’s reaction to the squab? LOL. This cemented my love for his personality. He gave it a try and when he didn’t care for it, he covered his distaste, because he knew Courtney went through the trouble of organizing the special meal.

I really enjoyed Joe’s reactions to everything. Olga was scary, but Joe gave her a try and loved the experience. We could all learn a little from him. It was wonderful watching Courtney loosen up and learn from Joe.

Overall, this movie was soooo cute! I’d be lying if I said I didn’t cry at the end. It was ridiculously sweet. Give this one a try folks. Happy movie watching y’all!

One thought on “Movie Review: A Winter Getaway”

  1. I have watched it more times than I should say. Courtney and Joe are so cute together. It was great seeing them fall for each other. I told my sister she should try watching this movie, she did and loved it. Not your regular Hallmark Movie.

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