Image via: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/57696044-not-pretending-anymore
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Not Pretending Anymore by Penelope Ward
Great ending!!
I feel like I’m in a book funk. This is the second book where I want to skip most of the middle and jump to the end. Luckily, this one had a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ending! Here’s a quick re-cap and my two cents.
Quick re-cap:
Molly is looking for a roommate and having a terrible time trying to find someone who is “normal.” Then Declan interviews for the roommate position.
Molly doesn’t want a male roommate, so she turns him down. But he doesn’t give up. When he leaves frosted cupcakes on her doorstep, she can no longer ignore him and gives him the roommate position.
Molly and Declan are both interested in other people and they use each other to make the people they’re interested in jealous. Eventually, they develop feelings for each other.
My two cents:
The beginning of this book was super cute. The interviews were pretty funny! I instantly liked this book.
However, once I hit the middle of the book, I became bored. I was tired of the wishy washy feelings they both had. Especially Molly. It took her longer to figure out what was right in front of her face.
In case it’s a turn off, there are mental health, divorce, and cancer themes for several different characters.
The end brought me to tears multiple times. Some sad tears and some happy. Have tissues near by if you’re a crier! I’m super glad I stuck with the book though, because I loved the ending and epilogue.
There was one sex scene at the end of the book. It was fine. This isn’t the type of book you read for sex though. It’s an all about the feels type of book.
If this sounds like a book you might like, then I say go for it. If you get bored easily and like more action filled books, then skip this one. Happy reading y’all!!
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