Image via: https://www.hallmarkchannel.com/christmas-ceo
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐
Total meh movie. Meh? Yup, meh. It wasn’t great, but it wasn’t horrible. There were moments of greatness and good quotes, but it was missing the IT factor. Here’s a quick re-cap and my two cents.
Quick Re-Cap
Old flames Chris and Joe started a toy store business when they were younger, but Joe left. Now, Chris wants Joe to sign for a merger between CJ’s Toys and Arlo Toys. However, Joe will only agree to sign the documents if Chris agrees to volunteer for the toy drive Joe holds every year.
My Two Cents
I tried watching this movie the night it released. I don’t remember what else I was doing that night, but I couldn’t keep my attention on the movie. So, I decided to hold off on writing a review. I figured I was having an off night.
Tonight I caught this from the beginning and thought I would try it again. I had the same problems. I couldn’t keep interested in the movie. There were definitely things I enjoyed in this movie…
I’m totally a corny magic loving person. So, I loved “Nick” the Santa Clause who kept appearing when he was needed. Especially when he distracted Chris so she would volunteer to work with Joe more, and when he appeared with tickets to the Christmas dessert shop (sorry – I can’t remember the exact name).
I liked when Chris and Joe reminisced about the good moments in their past relationship. They always had sweet looks on their faces. I also liked when they competed in that reindeer race game. That looked like a lot of fun! I want to try!
Bonus! There was chemistry between Joe and Chris, but I don’t think long term they would work. I feel that if there was a follow-up movie in 5 years, Joe and Chris would be separated for the same reasons they didn’t work the first time.
I think the niece needs a huge shout-out! I loved her song at the end! In general, I enjoyed her throughout the movie.
I think that’s everything I really enjoyed in this movie. It’s a second chance romance movie, which I’m normally all over, but I wasn’t with this. I wasn’t feeling a long term love with these two. I think they were right to break up the first time.
This movie isn’t making my Countdown to Christmas must see list. I would pass on watching it again if I have another option.
Have you seen it? What did you think? Leave a comment!
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