My rating: 4 of 5 stars
0 resistance to love
Caleb has secrets from his past. The biggest secret is the girl, Kendall, who he lost, but finds many years later and hires as his assistant. She doesn’t recognize him right away, but starts having suspicions that Caleb isn’t who he says he is.
In this book we find out how much heart Caleb really has. He is so sweet on Kendall. I think every woman wants a Caleb in their life who just wants them to be happy no matter what. I know I do!
Kendall is a spunky girl with a tragic and dangerous past. It’s easy to connect with her and want her to find her happily ever after with Caleb.
This book has fewer editing/grammar issues than the first book in the series, which makes it easier to read. Yay!!
I liked how the author showed a little of Lana and Oliver and the budding romance between Lucas and Elise. I’m excited to read the next book and see what happens with them!
Are you wondering about the sex? Well, there are a few sex scenes. One big one and maybe another smaller one or two. That seems to be the typical MO of this author. I feel like there could have been another scene at the end of the book.
This book is a quick and sweet story. I think y’all should give it a try! Happy reading y’all!!
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