Scouting for Christmas

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Rating: ⭐⭐⭐

It’s been a long time since I relaxed on the couch, pulled out my Chromebook and watched Hallmark. But it’s Countdown to Christmas and I signed up for the Hall-GAC Christmas Movie Showdown again! 32 movies in the bracket this year. Yay!! I don’t know about you, but after watching 32 movies, I’m going to struggle to remember the first few. So I’m back! 😉

I was hoping I could come back to writing and have this awesome movie to gush about. Unfortunately, Scouting for Christmas isn’t that movie. It has it’s moments I’ll gush about later, but overall, it was a solid three star movie. Below is a quick recap and my two cents.

Quick Recap

Life is hard sometimes. Especially as a single working mom of a Sunny Scout who’s biggest wish for Christmas is for her mom to date someone and have her Dad visit home. Add in a Sunny Scout ball, a cute baker, and a surprise visit, and the scene is set for a sweet Hallmark Christmas movie.

My Two Cents

This movie runs right down the center of the road. There’s cute and funny parts and a few slow or annoying moments. But in the end, I still cried (happy tears of course). LOL.

There were a lot of good moments, but the highlight of the movie was Brooklyn’s Dad, Dakota, coming home early to surprise her. His fly by the seat of his pants/over the top attitude compared to Angela’s stick up her butt attitude was a nice change. Then add William’s timely appearance and Angela’s subsequent melt down into the mix and I loved it.

Luckily, this wasn’t the only good part of the movie. The sweet ending brought everything together in the classic Hallmark happy ending. Even the evil villain (Elizabeth) came around to the good side. 😊

Despite the great moments, there were several not so great ones too. I really wasn’t a huge Angela fan. She was too headstrong and kept denying her feelings for William due to how Brooklyn would handle their relationship, which was weird since Brooklyn wanted them together. Her fighting with Elizabeth was a little over the top for me too.

Overall, the movie was okay. I won’t be adding it to my must watch or top 10 list. But it’s a typical and solid Hallmark staple movie. They can’t all be like A Biltmore Christmas or The Most Wonderful Time of the Year. 😊

If you have a chance, try this movie! Let me know what you thought! Leave a comment!

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