Image via: https://www.hallmarkchannel.com/love-strikes-twice
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Save the Clock Tower!! I couldn’t shake the Back to the Future vibe of this movie. Instead of saving a clock tower, this movie centers around saving a library. Well, it’s about a lot more than a library, but that’s the surface theme of the movie. Here’s a quick re-cap and my full two cents 🙂
Quick Re-Cap
Maggie and Josh have been married for 15 years, but their marriage isn’t living up to Josh’s expectations and he questions if they should stay together. After hearing about Josh’s concerns, Maggie winds up near a fountain where she makes a wish, bumps her head, and wakes up 15 years in the past. She realizes she has a second chance to make different decisions. Will she take this opportunity to change her life?
My Two Cents
I have a thing for stories with magic; shifters, wizards, and Gods/Goddesses are often high on my magical wish list. While not quite as cool as that sort of magic, this is still fun magic! It’s the time travel/do over/romance type. There’s something incredibly alluring about exploring alternate realities (Hello Dr. Strange!) and it’s the main reason I enjoyed this movie.
I really liked how Maggie embraces returning to the past. Sure, she has a quick freak out moment and tries to (unsuccessfully) return to the future, but then she fully embraces this opportunity. She uses her knowledge of the future to prevent and fix things gone wrong.
One of the nicest things Maggie does is help her brother, Ash. Funny story, I’m reading a book and the lead male is Ash. But you’ll read about that in a future book review…back to the movie. I really loved how Maggie talks about her Dad boasting about Ash’s confidence in order to help him develop his confidence. She also brings him in on her back from the future paradox.
Besides helping Ash, Maggie also helps her Dad and by proxy, her mother. This made me so happy! I swear I almost cried at the end of the movie between Dad and Ash.
Maybe I’m extra sentimental tonight, because this movie hit me right in the feels multiple times.
Maggie and her mom had a conversation about “the one.” Maggie’s Mom said that when people are hung up on “the one,” and things get rough, which they always do, people are more likely to bail. Further, love is a choice we make on a continual basis. I really liked her point of view. I agree that love is a choice we make.
There was so much of this movie that resonated with me. I worried throughout the movie how they would create a Hallmark ending, but they did it! Everyone got the happily ever after they deserved and I swooned. I highly recommend watching this one if it sounds like something you would like.
If these types of movies are up your alley, you should also try and watch The Birthday Wish or A Timeless Christmas
Have you seen it? What did you think? What are your favorite time travel movies? Leave a comment!
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