Image via: https://www.hallmarkchannel.com/chasing-waterfalls
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Hallmark had me at “Don’t go chasing waterfalls, please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you’re use to…” One of my favorite 90’s songs! And yes, I did sing it EVERY SINGLE TIME the commercial came on. Jeff kept looking at me a little strangely, but that isn’t really different than normal. I give him lots of reasons to look at me strangely. 😉
Back to the movie Jamie.
Lets do a quick re-cap, then I’ll share my two cents on this corny cute movie.
Amy Atwater (hehe I giggled at the last name…Atwater…waterfalls – corny cuteness #1) is a photographer who primarily photographs people, but an opportunity comes up at work to take photographs of mystical waterfalls. Amy seizes the opportunity.
While trying to find her first waterfall, Amy befriends Mark North (who happens to have a great sense of direction – more corny cuteness) and his daughter Kyra. Amy asks them for directions while trying to figure out how return back to the lodge, but she winds up back at the waterfall.
Amy’s sense of direction isn’t the best. So, she asks Mark for his help locating the mystical/unicorn waterfalls. Mark eventually concedes, and him and Kyria take Amy around to the different waterfalls for her the magazine article.
OMG! Have I told you before that I love corny romcoms?? Corny jokes, corny names, and overall corny cuteness (is that a thing? Eh, it is now). I love it all!
I’m not alone in my corny attraction. As it turns out, Jeff likes corny romcoms too. Yup, he sat here laughing along with me. And yup, I took his man card. 🙂 Oh wait, did I just date myself? Are man cards still a thing? You’ll have to let me know.
Anyhow, this movie is super cute! Amy is such a sweet woman. Definitely directionally challenged, but kind hearted and funny too. In the very beginning of the movie, Amy takes a photo of an old man and his dog. Later she gives him the print of the picture at no charge. Awww…super sweet of her. Later in the movie, she helps Kyra with a boy she likes. It’s just in her to be nice.
I found myself wanting her to end up with a guy like Mark, who is also super sweet and corny. I loved his “Dad jokes,” and his daughter’s reaction to them. He was the perfect compliment to her.
Overall, this movie wasn’t unique or unpredictable, but it was all sorts of corny cute and adorable. Even Jeff gave it 👍 👍.
BONUS…halfway through the movie I found myself thinking, I’ve seen these two together before. A short google trip later and I found it! Love In the Forecast. Also a super cute movie! They can keep pairing these two together all day.
I hope you give this movie (and Love in the Forecast) a try if corny romcoms are your thing. They definitely are mine. Happy movie watching y’all!
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