I’m really frustrated with this movie. I wanted to love it, but I just couldn’t. I enjoyed it, but I didn’t love it. I have a feeling that if I don’t write this review right now, I’ll forget most of this movie by morning.
So, let’s start with a quick synopsis. Pat is a divorced Dad who returns to his hometown of Boise from Hawaii. Margie is the woman he left behind about twenty years ago.
That was quick, right? Haha, it’s late and I want to tell you all my thoughts before I go to sleep.
I’ve mentioned before that I LOVE second chance romance movies. Pat and Margie are exactly the type of couple that makes my romantic heart say “aaawwww…” They broke up when they graduated, because Pat got a job in Hawaii and Margie wanted to go to college and stay local. Now they’re both in the same city at the same time.
Next, I LOVE fate movie themes. I consider godwinks a form of fate. The thought is that God keeps giving you a nudge in the right direction. Pat and Margie keep accidentally meeting where ever they go. Also, Pat keeps finding Margie’s jewelry like he’s a jewelry magnet/metal detector. Pat and Margie just can’t help being together.
Finally, I loved all the actors and actresses in this movie, but I really loved the two leads. Sam Page, who plays Pat is handsome and delicious. They could keep showing him in his pajamas (or shirtless) all day please! Let’s not forget Brook D’Orsay. She’s beautiful and played Margie with such sincerity. She was fantastic.
With all these wonderful things, I’m sure you’re wondering why I didn’t LOVE this movie? This is going to sound nitpicky, but the godwink sound really annoyed me. I don’t remember watching the other godwink movies, so I don’t know if this is a thing or if it’s new to this movie? Either way, it wasn’t for me.
More than the godwink sound, there wasn’t really a climax per se. Yes there was a part where it sounds like things aren’t going to work out, but you can tell from the very very beginning of the movie how much Pat and Margie like each other. They literally could have stopped the movie when they reconnected for the first time. The looks they gave each other made it clear where that relationship was headed. And that first hug?! Did you all see that?? In real life they would have ran for a hotel room.
Overall, this is a decent movie. It stresses the importance of finding the person you can’t live without and not settling for someone, which definitely connects with my romantic heart. If you watch it, I hope you enjoy it. Happy movie watching y’all!