I fell in love with Jessy Schram a few years ago in Harvest Moon. Watching her in A Nashville Christmas Carol further cemented her on my favorites list.
I absolutely love how expressive Jessy is by nature. Hallmark loves to put her in roles where she shows these talents. Remember when she fell in the mud in Harvest Moon? There was a similarly expressive moment when Jessy’s character, Vivienne, meets her dead boss, Marilyn. Her shock was palpable! She’s such a joy to watch.
Now that I’ve covered my girl crush on Jessy, let’s go over the movie a little.
Vivienne is a slightly different version of Scrooge who – like most people – needs to learn how wonderful she is. She isn’t a mean person to begin with; she just needed to see what (and who) was right in front of her, but Vivienne is so focused on her career that she was missing the true joy in life…living.
Marilyn is Vivienne’s guide through the past and present. She explained to Vivienne that she requested this intervention because “When it comes time to roll the credits on your life, it’s the names that matter, not the shows.” This is so true in life. Time is fleeting, concentrate on the people in your life and make memories with those you love.
Speaking of those you love…Gavin, played by Wes Brown, was a childhood friend of Vivienne’s. We get to see lots of flashbacks of how Vivienne and Gavin grew together and apart over the years.
In the end, Vivienne learns that it’s the people in her life that matters. She rights the mistakes she’s made and we get a wonderful Country Christmas concert with the perfect ending.
I loved most of this movie. There were some slow parts in the middle, but overall this was very well done. I especially liked the music that was woven throughout the movie and the way it tied to each moment. After all, “every song has a memory,” and I couldn’t agree more.
Thank you Hallmark for finally delivering a kiss under a mistletoe!! I’ve been waiting all Christmas for this scene. This almost makes up for all those other movies missed mistletoe chances.
If you like the Christmas Carol plot, then give this movie a go. It was enjoyable! Happy movie watching y’all!