Image via: https://www.hallmarkchannel.com/a-merry-scottish-christmas
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
I greatly admire Carley’s courage and commitment! It takes a lot to end your current career and go for your childhood dreams. If I had gone for my childhood dreams, I probably would have been a veterinarian or jockey. While my dreams have changed over time, Carley’s haven’t. Here’s a quick recap and my two cents 😉
Quick Recap
Carley is passed over for a promotion and asked to support her boss’s son, Wyatt, while he learns the position she coveted. A year later and Carley is unhappy with her life, so she volunteers to take the fall when Wyatt makes a critical mistake and is fired. Wyatt knows she was the best employee at the company, and when Carley asks Wyatt to make sure she completes her New Years resolution list, he agrees. But nothing comes for free and she must help him be a better employee.
My Two Cents
This was such a classic Hallmark movie! It had all the right feels in all the right places. It was relatable, funny, and sweet. It’s one of those movies I could (and will) watch at anytime. Let’s talk about all the things I loved!
I loved the scene where Carley and Wyatt officially become friends. It reminded me of how we teach our kids to make friends. Why don’t adults do this more often? Wouldn’t that make life easier? I’ve gotta tell you, it’s difficult making friends as an adult! Maybe we should give it a try.
I loved how this movie made me feel better for always wanting to bake my Grandma’s kolache recipe, but never actually doing it because it takes too much time and attention. There is so much I do during the holidays and I’m usually barely holding it together, so the cookies are one of the first things I cut. But I will often beg my mother to make and send them.
I loved when Jamie and Carley were sitting around after the caroling and Jamie noticed how much happier Carley was. It’s amazing what going for your dreams will do for someone’s emotional state. I think it’s Mark Anthony who said, “If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.” Find your dreams and go for them!
I love Katie Findlay! There’s something about her and her voice that suck me in. If you like her too, be sure to check her out in Love Strikes Twice. It’s an alternate future movie that I always take a moment to watch when it’s on.
Finally, I loved the heartfelt moments at the end of the movie. I won’t list them all, because I don’t want to give away too much, but here are a couple…As a parent, we always want our children to be fulfilled and inspired. Carley’s mom’s speech when she sees the dress Carley has been working on is pure gold. Add in the love and support from Wyatt and I bet she feels like she can walk on water. These are the moments us Hallmarkers live for and this movie does them really well!
If you have a chance, try this movie! Let me know what you thought! Leave a comment!
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