Oh the feels! This cute remake of Two Weeks Notice had me smiling from beginning to end. There were so many funny quips and quotes! Let’s review the movie and then I’ll dive into details!
Annie, a family lawyer, goes to Holt Enterprises to force them to let her parents keep their Cafe’s lease. While there, she runs into Will Holt, who’s busy trying to escape his Dad’s expectation for him to hire a lawyer. Will and Annie eventually come to an agreement for her to work for him for 1 week and he will have the lease extended. Let the fun begin!
I watched this movie with my family over Thanksgiving and my Dad instantly noticed the Two Weeks Notice similarities. I definitely agree, there are many! The big difference…this has been Hallmark Christmastized (it’s a new word – USE IT!).
I’ve loved Paul since he was in Surprised by Love in 2015. He’s since teamed up with Kimberley Sustand several times. They are a great romcom team!
Kimberley plays Annie, who’s character is one I always go for – she was strong, independent, and intelligent, but also kind, caring, and funny. I loved all her little digs at Will. Plus, some of her lines like “buy the skates, land the twirl,” which is her take on “if you build it, they will come.” Or there was the “it didn’t feel like they were going for the razzle or the dazzle.” I truly enjoyed her character!
Then there’s Paul’s character Will. I was a little unsure about Will. He gave the initial impression of a goof off, but then he was serious when he was trying to land his deal with Gene and when he quoted Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations. Despite this goofy/serious confusion, he still made me laugh often. So, I’ll chalk it up to him wanting to be the goofy guy, but accepting his role within Holt Enterprises and succumbing to his role’s demands.
Besides Annie and Will, I really enjoyed the supporting characters.
- Lyle had me cracking up with his lines like, “[I’m] younger, smarter, better looking [than Will].” Plus the running joke that he doesn’t have a job title.
- Annie’s Mom and Dad were the kind of parents everyone wants (and some of us are lucky to have). They always support Annie and help her any way they can.
- Gene and Pat Parker with the terriers were great too! I loved Gene asking Annie for a granola bar when they were in the middle of the uptight French restaurant.
Overall, this movie was great! The ending made me tear up a little even though I knew it was coming it was still so sweet. So, I’m giving this movie 5 stars for all the laughs and fun. Watch it and let me know what you think! Happy movie watching y’all!