Hallmark Movie Review: Christmas in Toyland

Image via: https://www.hallmarkchannel.com/christmas-in-toyland

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Yes!! This is the Christmas in July movie I’ve been waiting for! IT factor achieved and exceeded! Here’s a quick recap and my two cents. 😉 

Quick Recap

Big Teddy Toy Company is facing the decision most companies are – should they close their brick and mortar stores and go completely online? Charlie Sawyer is a corporate data analyst who discovers store 24 is the only store not losing money. In a bid to save the brick and mortar stores, Charlie stands up for them and is voluntold to visit store 24 to see what they’re doing differently.

My Two Cents

OMG! 100% YES! They had me at elf dust! Okay, they had me before the elf dust, but the elf dust definitely sealed my love of this movie! In fact, it’ll hit my favorite Christmas movie list and will be a movie I enjoy watching and re-watching any time of year.

I am a complete sucker for a numbers oriented, awkward, data nerd falling in love with a young at heart man child. Someone who can bring out her silly child side and make her laugh. But will be there when the times get hard (I have no proof of this, but I’m sure he would be!).

Vanessa Lengies and Jesse Hutch were fantastic in these roles! I would watch them together any day. I loved Vanessa last year in Heart of the Holidays too! She’s quickly climbing to my top female Hallmark leading list. I’d also like to give a shout out to the young actress who played Grant’s Niece! What a cute girl!

This movie has a broad appeal that many viewers will love. It also has the IT factor in spades. The ending might even bring a happy tear to your eye 😊 Definitely give this movie a try! It has classic Hallmark happy feels.

Did you watch this movie? Let me know what you thought! Leave a comment!

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Hallmark Movie Review: My Grown-Up Christmas List

Image via: https://www.hallmarkchannel.com/my-grown-up-christmas-list

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐

I was a little sad I missed this movie on Saturday night. It’s been so busy around here! My son and I chose to catch up on Ms. Marvel and I had some cleaning to do instead. If you haven’t seen the new Ms. Marvel miniseries yet – I highly recommend it!! 😉 This movie…not so much(ish). I’ll explain more after a quick recap.

Quick Recap

Taylor returns to her hometown for a few days during Christmas each year. This year, she meets a Santa who catches her eye. She learns his name is Luke, but leaves without really meeting him. The following year, she returns and runs into Luke again. This time, she takes the plunge to really meet Luke and open her heart to the possibility of a future with him.

My Two Cents

Oh man, I wasn’t in the mood for a sad movie today. There’s enough sadness in my life right now. I was really hoping for a solid RomCom. This is most definitely not that RomCom. So, I know that is playing into this review.

First and foremost – I have a tremendous amount of respect and appreciation for our armed forces and everything they do for our country. They and their families go through more than I’ll ever fully know putting their lives at risk for us on a daily basis. Unfortunately, military romance movies are not a trope I look forward to. Oddly, I usually enjoy military romance books. I know, I’m weird. 😊

This movie will probably appeal to the majority of Hallmark movie watchers. So, if you like military movies, and you aren’t looking for a RomCom, you will probably love this movie! Give it a try!

If you’re a RomCom lover, this is definitely not your jam. There were very few jokes to lighten the mood of the movie. Overall, it was a sad movie that highlighted the difficulties our military families experience daily. On the plus side, it shows the love and hope that’s possible despite the lifestyle they choose. And the strength of Taylor and Luke’s families to overcome any obstacles.

I think a lot of people will give this movie 5 stars and will love the feels it delivers. So, don’t let my review deter you if you think this is a good fit for you! I love both leads; they were fantastic!

Did you watch this movie? Let me know what you thought! Leave a comment!

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