I had to get a new hair dryer, because my daughter is old enough to have her own. Boo whooo!! 😢 They grow up so fast!
Now, admittedly I didn’t do a lot of research before buying this one. I’ve had great luck with CONAIR in the past, so I walked into Target, looked at which CONAIR models they had and went “eenie, meenie, minie, moe!” (from here on out, I’ll be calling this hair dryer Moe). It’s the fastest significant purchase I’ve made in a while.
First, I want to tell you about how pretty Moe is. Let’s face it, she is a beauty! All white with some some rose gold accents gives her a classic yet sophisticated look.
Second, Moe is nice and light. I have weak hands due to carpal tunnel and some other arm issues, so I need something light that I won’t accidentally drop on my head. Moe is a definite winner in this category!
Third, she has good/solid options for heat and air flow at a reasonable volume. There are 3 buttons. One to blow cold air, one to select a heat setting (Hot, Warm, or Cool), and a final button to select High or Low air flow. Lots of options! I typically use Warm or Cold air on Low flow. Keep that in mind with the rest of my review.
While I like all the options for heat and air speed, I’m not thrilled with the location/type of these buttons. The top blue snowflake button is right where I normally hold my dryer. I’m sure I’ll get use to holding it a little lower, but I haven’t yet. My last hair dryer has this same button, but it must be a little lower, because I don’t have issues holding it.
The other two buttons are in an okay position, BUT (and this is a big BUT for me) they are push buttons. My last hair dryer had slide buttons. So, I would need to move them up and down in order for them to work. These buttons just need to be pushed in, which is easily done accidentally while drying your hair. Sorry Moe, but you’re not getting any points for PITA (pain in the A$$) buttons!
I’ve been using Moe for about a month now. I have thinner wavy hair that frizzes easily. I use the concentrator (that’s the plastic cone add-on) to help reduce the frizz, but it’s no better than my last hair dryer. If I want really straight hair, I need to whip out my Revlon one step or my ancient Chi flat iron. So, I give Moe a passing grade on this and hair drying speed, but she isn’t any better/worse than I’ve had in the past.
Another draw is the cord length. I really wish they would give us longer electrical cords for hair dryers. When I was younger I started using an extension cord specifically for my hair dryer. To this day, I will travel with an extension cord to make up for the terrible lack of cord length on these machines.
Overall, Moe is extremely similar to my last CONAIR hair dryer. I’m deducting a point for the type of button. While I’m sure I’ll get use to them, I liked the slide buttons more, because there was very little risk to accidentally changing the heat or speed. If this sounds like a good fit, then give it a try! You can use my link below to see this more about this dryer on Amazon.
Do you have this dryer? If not, do you have one you LOVE? Leave me a comment! I’d like to hear from you!