My rating: 4 of 5 stars
IOU Cashes In
First, I must tell you that I have a thing for crazy women leads. They’re so much more fun to read about than other types of women!
Ainsley is a fun sort of crazy, sea lion loving, woman who loses her cool when she catches her first and only boyfriend naked with her college roommate. Who wouldn’t lose their cool?! Then through a series of events, she winds up on the doorstep of Maverick, asking for a favor; she desperately needs a place to stay. Maverick takes her in and the rest is history.
Ainsley is endearing and someone who most people will relate to and enjoy reading. Maverick is the hot bad boy that most red blooded women (like me!!) wants in their bed. This story is a simple pleaser for both those reasons.
The sex scenes are okay, but nothing that gets you too worked up. So, if you’re reading just for those, you might want to find another book. This one didn’t have me looking for the vibrator or grabbing my husband to release some pressure.
If you think this book sounds up your alley, give it a shot. I wasn’t disappointed and I hope you’re not either! Happy reading y’all!!
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