Image via: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/56965683-dare-number-one
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐
Too shortThis really short book is cute and fun, but it’s not my speed.
I’m not going to lie, I downloaded it for the title. I enjoyed the idea of the dare, which is exactly what this book was. No more and no less.
Holly and Cameron were friends growing up, but Holly always had a crush on him.
Now, their friend Michelle is having a truth or dare contest of sorts. All dares must be completed with another person.
Holly chooses her crush, Cameron to do the dare with. The dare winds up being to kiss Cameron, take a video, and post it to social media.
I’ve just explained enough of the book to get you to 50%. If I give you anymore, you won’t need to read the book.
I was really hoping for more. More plot, more book, just more. I think this book took place over two days, but hours go missing. One minute Holly is making waffles and the next Cameron is ordering Chinese. Sorry guys, now you’re at 75% book completion.
The kissing scenes – crap 80%- were good and steamy. 🤣 Literally steamy 🤣 85%. Don’t expect more than heavy petting though. This is definitely PG-13 friendly. Sex isn’t mentioned or attempted.
There were also a few editing issues. The biggest was was Katia’s name was Katie in a few spots. I’m still not sure what her name actually is?
Overall, this book is fine. It’s really too short to be amazing. Personally, I wouldn’t read it. I’m sure you can figure out how it ends. Maybe read it if you only have a few hours to read and want to finish an entire book in that time. Otherwise move on folks, there’s plenty of other books out there. Happy reading y’all!!
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