Hallmark Movie Review: Marry Go Round

Image via: https://www.hallmarkchannel.com/marry-go-round

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

It’s a rainy day in Wisconsin and there’s nothing better to do than watch tonight’s premiere! I always enjoy a second chance romance! Here is a quick recap and my two cents 😉 

Quick Recap

Abby is readying to move to Paris and marry Edward, her fiance. Unfortunately, she finds out she’s still married to Luke, her childhood sweetheart, whom she thought she had divorced many years ago. She flies home to divorce Luke, but he refuses to sign. Now Abby has to stay until they can meet with the judge again, which is the following week.

My Two Cents

Second chance romances are one of my favorite tropes! And Sweet Home Alabama is probably my all time favorite second chance romance movie. Probably because it is heavy on the romcom content, which always wins me over.

While I really enjoyed Marry Go Round, I found it lacking in the romcom area. It actually made me kinda sad. Was it just me? Maybe it was the rainy day, lack of sleep, or something else, but this movie hit me in the heart and cast a shadow more than most.

At the hour mark, my heart literally stilled in my chest. “Did you think about me when you were looking at the stars?” How many of us look at the stars and think of our lost loves. Those who have left this plane and those who aren’t in our lives anymore? I do all the time and I know I’m not alone, because even Disney works it into their movies…

Despite it making me sad, one of the reasons I look forward to second chance romances, is because of the quotes. Second chance romances always have sweet heart melting quotes like, “I always believed in our forever,” and “so I can kiss you anytime I want.”

I know this movie will appeal to many, but it won’t appeal to all. I can almost guarantee my family all turned off this movie within the first 15 minutes. Jeff zoned out pretty early on. But this is going to be one of those movies I can put on anytime. It’ll find a place in my heart with my other Hallmark favorites even though I’m not giving it 5 stars.

How about you? Did you watch this movie? Let me know what you thought! Leave a comment!

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