Hallmark Movie Review: A Christmas Treasure

Image via: https://www.hallmarkchannel.com/a-christmas-treasure

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐

I feel like I’m in a Hallmark movie funk. I watched Nantucket Noel last night and…well…I think my review speaks for itself. Christmas Treasure is definitely better than Nantucket Noel and I think some people will love it. Unfortunately, it didn’t click with me. Here’s a quick re-cap and my full two cents. Enjoy!

Quick Re-Cap

Lou becomes involved in opening a 100 year old time capsule and helping with refilling it for another 100 years. While in town, she also meets a talented chef who she begins to have feelings for. Now she needs to figure out if she should stay or move to New York to further her writing career.

My Two Cents

I’ve tried watching this movie twice. Both times I was initially underwhelmed, but I stuck with it this time. It took me a full hour to begin enjoying the movie. To be honest, if it wasn’t in my Hallmark movie bracket, I probably would have given up on it a third time and moved on with life.

I like Jordin and Michael. Together they have good chemistry. Plus, I really liked Marcy! She was a great addition to this movie. The whole movie could have been a romance with her and a guy and I might have liked it more. OR they could have capitalized on Jordin’s vocal talents more. I really enjoyed listening to her singing!

Visually, this is definitely one of the prettiest movies I’ve seen in a long time. From the garland, wreathes, and Christmas trees to the shops and buildings, this movie is beautiful. It screams Christmas and makes me smile watching it!

One of my favorite scenes was the cooking contest. I had tears in my eyes when Marcy won the cooking contest. See! I was really invested in her story line!

I have a feeling this movie will resonate with a lot of people. Sadly, I feel like it’s missing that IT factor that sucks you in and keeps your attention. I’m not adding it to my must watch Countdown to Christmas list. Give it a try and you might like it.

Have you seen it? What did you think? Leave a comment!

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Movie Review: Christmas Comes Twice


Fate, time travel, enemies to lovers, this movie hits 3 of my favorite themes! On top of that, Tamara and Michael were super cute together! Unfortunately, this movie failed to keep my interest and I had issues with too many parts of it.

The beginning of the movie has Cheryl coming home to Wellsboro and going to the town fair. While there, she makes a wish that she could go back in time for a week to not take a job Dr. Phillips offers her five years ago.

I’ve made similar wishes in my life. I often wonder what could have been from time to time. So, I fully support this concept!

Shortly after the wish, Cheryl sees a carousal and hops on. The carousal takes her for a ride to the past, where she’s presented with the opportunity to change her future.

This is where things went downhill for me. I’ve always liked these movies when the character goes back to the past at night when they’re asleep to change something they feel they did wrong the first time around, but this was a little too corny for me.

When Cheryl got off the carousal she almost immediately starts seeing significant clues she’s not in 2020 anymore Toto, but she REFUSES to believe it. She sees a poster with a 2015 date and talks to someone about a date she has on Friday, but still refuses to believe. She finally passes out when she runs into someone who’s dead.

She’s suppose to be a smart woman with her doctorate! I just didn’t buy that she would resist the truth so strongly.

While passed out, George carries Cheryl to a first aide tent, where she wakes up and tells him what’s happening. George laughs, but becomes her confidant. Cheryl and George wind up spending the week together teaching a kids science club and Cheryl discovers her love of teaching (and George).

Honestly for most of this movie, I struggled staying awake. It was a solid 3 stars through out, but the carousal time travel concept only gets a 2 from me.

Don’t get me wrong, it was good seeing Cheryl and George grow together. They really are a cute couple and the relationship growth was well done. It was just missing that something extra that some movies give.

I also enjoyed all the discussions of fate and living in the present, but I kept hoping for things to go different. Hallmark could have taken the date with Terrance and had it go worse than the original date. It would have been a great opportunity to infuse some extra humor. Instead, it was used to prove how Terrance was more into himself than Cheryl. If we were proving that you can’t really change the future, I feel like the date should have gone worse than the original.

In fact, there were several parts where the movie seemingly contradicted itself. Don’t tell the dead person she’s going to die, but tell Mom and Dad to not leave the cat alone with the Christmas tree. The inconsistencies made me crazy.

I know I told you this movie was mostly a 3, but you’ll see I’m giving it a 3.5. Why? Well, the ending is honestly a 5. If you don’t watch anything else in the movie, just watch the last 15 minutes. You’ll get all the feels and skip all the blah. Happy movie watching y’all!

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