My rating: 4 of 5 stars
You won’t object to this book
This sweet romance stars Lucas and Elise and adorable little Sophie. Lucas needs to convince Elise that he’s interested in her and her daughter as more than just friends. Meanwhile, Sophie’s sperm donor keeps making Elise’s life hell.
Overall, this third book in the series is good. I didn’t connect with Elise and Lucas as much as I did with some of the other characters, but I did like how Elise was a strong mamma bear when needed.
The sex was just okay in this book. That could have been because I wasn’t that into Elise and Lucas. Or maybe it was because it took so long for it to happen. Either way,it left me unsatisfied.
I still suggest reading this book and hope to come back to this series and readJace’s story. Happy reading y’all!!
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