Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Have you tried an electric toothbrush?
I didn’t until about a month ago. Now I’m asking myself…why on Earth did I wait so long?! This thing is amazing! I can’t wait to show my dentist my extra clean teeth!!
What makes this toothbrush special? Why did I try it? I’ll cover that and more below 🙂
What is this toothbrush?
The Oral B Smart Clean 360 is an electric toothbrush. It uses a rotating head to clean teeth better than a manual brush. This version has a red light sensor that activates when you push too hard and a timer that vibrates every 30 seconds, so you can use the brush for 30 seconds on each quarter of your mouth.
Why did I pick this one?
Honestly…I chose this because Jeff did. Haha. I know, that’s very scientific, but hear me out.
Jeff did some online researching and first tried a Sonic brush. Neither of us cared for the high pitched noise that brush made. On top of the noise, Jeff didn’t like the feeling of the brush against his teeth.
After trying to use the brush for about two weeks, Jeff gave up and returned it for the Oral B brush. He’s been happy ever since.
See, I let Jeff be the guinea pig. 🙂 That’s par for the course in our relationship. Hehe.
First Impressions
The very first time I turned on the brush I couldn’t believe how strong the vibration was. I pressed it against my skin to see what the light looked like. It’s a bright red light. It should be easily visible if it goes off in your mouth. I’ve never pushed that hard while actually brushing though.
After testing the light, I stuck it in my mouth and promptly giggled like a toddler being tickled to death. I could barely even touch my teeth with it. All I managed to do was move it around in my mouth and every once in a while I would kind of barely touch a tooth.
Jeff told me to stick it out, because he had similar issues in the beginning too. Funny, but I didn’t notice him giggling like the tickle monster was attacking him! I guess I’m just special like that 😉
It took me about 1-2 weeks to fully adjust to the vibrating mouth issue. Once that resolved, I noticed how clean my teeth were compared to my manual brush.
A Month or Two Later
Over the past month or two I’ve been using the new brush regularly. Sadly (or maybe not sadly), I’m not giggling anymore. I’m able to fully touch the brush head to each tooth without issue.
My teeth seem cleaner than ever! Yay!
I’m really impressed with the battery life. I think I’ve only charged it twice since I’ve gotten it. Too bad the battery on my cell phone doesn’t last this long.
I’m less impressed with the fact that I drool like a teething baby while I use this brush. My family would tell you I drool a lot anyway, but seriously, the tooth paste and spit pour out of my mouth while I’m brushing with this! Luckily Jeff has seen me in many worse states and he still loves me. Haha.
This is a great buy! I picked it up on sale from Costco in a two pack for about $80. I haven’t needed to replace the brush heads yet, but it was easy enough to put on the first one, so I’m sure switching will be just as easy.
If you don’t have a Costco membership or want to purchase from Amazon you can use the link below. Using this link doesn’t increase your cost, but it does help support my site. Happy shopping!
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