Image via: https://www.hallmarkchannel.com/in-merry-measure
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
A movie with good music and 80’s/90’s references? Yes please! Here’s a quick recap and my two cents 😉
Quick Recap
Darcy was a one hit wonder singer. She’s come home to spend time with her family for Christmas. While there, she discovers her niece wants to sing for a local choir, The Herald Angels, but isn’t selected to join. The choir coach, Adam is very selective on who can join the choir, because it’s won a local competition 6 times and he wants to continue the winning streak. So, Darcy creates her own choir group from the people who weren’t selected. Only one choir can participate in the competition. So Darcy and Adam decide to compete to see who will go to the big competition.
My Two Cents
Do you ever have those nights where all you want to do is crawl into bed? That was me tonight after working all day, taking care of a sick child, and cooking a few different dinners. I wasn’t even going to watch this movie tonight, but it sucked me in!
I really empathized with Darcy. It must be hard to be a child pop star who becomes who had one hit song and then couldn’t find further success. She kept putting her heart into her music, but kept being rejected by different studios who expected her to be in the same box she was 20 years ago. Yet she kept trying!
I also loved how down to Earth she was. She genuinely wanted to help her niece. She even helped the other kids become an amazing choir in a short period of time. Completely unrealistic, but hey – it’s Hallmark.
Then there was Adam. I enjoyed their enemies to lovers dynamic. He was super sweet to Darcy by the end. Wasn’t he? How about that Coach t-shirt? Super cute! And Darcy preparing for her date was hilarious. Freaking out like a teenager and doing the Macaulay Culkin “aaahhhh!!!!” face. Loved it!
I loved these two together. They were fun and cute. But I also loved Gretchen, the niece, and other kids. Actually, I enjoyed all the casting! The principal was funny too!
I think this movie will have a fairly broad appeal. It has a mostly upbeat/happy feel that sucks you in. Of course it also has the Hallmark happily ever after where everyone has the perfect ending. Give it a try!
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