My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I’ll come over anytime
Christina is a romance writer who meets Dane on an app. Both use fake names and don’t know who each other are, and after 7 months of flirting and talking, they decide to meet. Christina learns her friend is actually her Dad’s best friend. Now they must choose what comes next.
I don’t give fives very often, but this was fantastic! Funny, sexy, entertaining. This had everything you want in a book. Even a sweet little epilogue to show that everyone lives happily ever after.
The sex scenes (both the real and fake ones) were amazing! Get that vibrator ready girls!
This was a short and quick read. I finished it in one night. Which made it even more amazing that I loved it so much. I also feel like I should add that I don’t normally go for books with large age differences, but these characters and the writing was so engaging, that I couldn’t stop reading it.
Give this book a try! I don’t think you’ll be disappointed. Happy reading y’all!!
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