Yes! I’m a huge Harry Potter fan!
I’m sure it feels like I fell off the face of the planet! In some ways I have. I’m still Hallmark’d out since the Christmas binge and I’m on a little bit of an anti-TV kick in general.
There’s some hope in sight though! My fingers have been itching to write for a few weeks. So, I’m sure I’ll be back to watching TV again soon. All my favorite leading ladies are in the Wedding Veil series! I tried watching it once, but turned it off after about 15 minutes into the first movie 🥺 It wasn’t the movies fault! Maybe y’all can leave comments about your thoughts on it?! Should this be my first movie this year?
What have I been doing?? Hi, I’m Jamie, and I’m a bookaholic. I’ve already read 24 books / 7,174 pages this year 😲 For comparison, I only read 70 books /19,787 pages last year. I’ve been down the rabbit hole on a few fantasy series.
I will eventually return to my blog and Hallmark movies! Please don’t give up on me yet! If there’s one you see that you think might inspire my return, please let me know! Take care everyone!