I’ve written about ASEA Redox Molecules and Emotions, told you a story about my (and Jeff’s) first few weeks, and my friend Rem and his mysterious eye experience. Now I’d like to take some time to tell you about my eyes.
I’ve seen a lot of changes in myself since starting ASEA in August 2020. One of the more surprising changes over the past few months has been in my vision. I’ve been wearing glasses since I was about 13 or 14 years old. I primarily have an astigmatism, but I also have a slight distance issue.
On top of the glasses for a prescription, I also have an eye condition, which causes cuts on my eyes in the mornings when I open my eyes. The pain from these cuts is in the top 5 worst pains I’ve ever experienced. So I will do anything to prevent these cuts.
These days I wear the Manta Slim Fit eye mask. Since wearing the mask, I haven’t had any issues. Yay!
My Prescription History
2014 was the last time I had glasses made. This was a few years after my son was born. That prescription held fairly steady until 2019, when I needed new glasses. At that time, my prescription had gotten a little worse.
In July 2019, I attempted to have Costco make glasses for me. That was a trip! I’m not easy to make glasses for. I have a narrow head, smaller face, and crooked/uneven ears. I usually wind up looking for petite or teen glasses, because adult glasses look like clown glasses.
I had Costco try to make the glasses twice, but they didn’t come out right and I never wore them. My prescription wasn’t much worse, so I dealt with it. I loved my previous glasses.
February 2021
Around December 2021 I remember mentioning to Jeff that I was seeing really well. He shook his head and said I was crazy 🤪 My prescription can’t improve.
In late January/early February, I started having eye issues. At first I just noticed my eyes hurting a lot. My right eye more than my left. Unsure what the issue was, I decided to try using ASEA as eye drops (3 drops per day). This helped my eyes feel better, but they were still bothering me.
Eventually, I realized the pain was only when I was wearing my glasses. It felt like my eyes were straining with my glasses on. I found myself taking my glasses off more than putting them on. So, I decided to make an eye doctor appointment.
Sadly, due to insurance changes, I needed to find a new optometrist. My new optometrist took the prescription off my 2014 glasses and compared it to his new prescription and told me the right eye had improved about a click and the left was a half click improvement.
Say what?! Yup! An improvement from my 2014 prescription. The one that was weaker than my 2019 prescription. He said he noticed the scaring from my eye condition, but no other conditions that would cause my prescription to improve randomly.
Now I have new glasses. It took some time to adjust to my new prescription, but now I like the new glasses 🙂
The skeptic in me says maybe this is a coincidence, but I’m keeping an open mind. After all, I’ve seen so many other changes, it’s hard for me to discount this coincidence.
One thing I’m certain about is that I’m extremely grateful for these redox molecules and I’m looking forward to see what else the future holds with them.
Please note, I’m not trying to sell you ASEA. I am a distributor of sorts and if this sounds like something you want to try, I’m here to help answer questions, but that isn’t my goal. If reading is more your thing, you can find more information here: https://aseaglobal.com/products/asearedoxsupplement/ and https://aseaglobal.com/products/renu28/
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