ASEA Update 2022

It’s been a while since I talked about ASEA. Some of you may be wondering why?! If she isn’t writing about it, then she must not be using it anymore. Nope! This is absolutely not the case!

In fact, there are so many ASEA stories from over the last year or two. I’ll split a few of the more memorable ones into a few posts over the next week or two. ASEA is as firmly in my life as essential oils and other natural remedies I’ve procured over the years. ๐Ÿ˜Š


I think everyone who cooks has had a burn from time to time. And I bet after every burn you look back and say, “Why did I do that?!” Unfortunately, since this kind of thing happens, I prefer to find remedies that make it heal better and faster. Being newer to ASEA, I had read experiences of ASEA and burns. As always, I was skeptical. Unfortunately, I had the opportunity to try it out in December 2021. Here’s my story ๐Ÿ˜Š

December 16th I was making dinner and had a pan in the oven at 450โ„‰ for an hour, then turned it to broil at 550โ„‰ for the final 5 minutes. It was a very hot pan! Previously, I had two hot pads out to grab the pan, but this time I decided to grab the pan one handed. So, I threw the hot pad on my right hand.

I opened the oven, took the pan out, and it wobbled a little. Instinctively, my left hand came up to steady it. OMG!! OUCH!!! WHAT WAS I THINKING?!? Ugh, I wasn’t thinking. Reflexes kicked in to save the pan and my hand suffered the consequences. The odds were not ever in its favor in that moment.

I swore (like all sane people) and ran to the sink to run cold water over my hand. It didn’t do much, so I tried to think through other options while my hand continued to burn. I didn’t have aloe. Essential oils aren’t usually a go to for burns without making a salve, which I wasn’t going to do in my current condition. Then I thought about ASEA. I didn’t have anything to lose. So, I poured enough ASEA into a glass container to be able to completely submerge the parts of my hand that were burned. I let it soak for about 30-60 minutes.

While in the ASEA, my hand didn’t burn severely. It didn’t feel normal, but it was definitely tolerable. After coming out of the ASEA, the stinging started to return. I used Renu28 several times within 5 minutes after my hand dried. That too helped, but the pain came back.

I thought the burn looked pretty good. It didn’t look nearly as red as I expected. It just stung a bit. I googled a little (always dangerous – but my hand hurt!). I found honey as an option. I always have raw honey on hand, so I grabbed some and put it on for about another 30-60 minutes. STING GONE.

The next morning my hand was surprisingly usable. I would compare it to a healing bruise. I could use my hand fully, but it was tender if I pushed hard on it. Light touches didn’t bother me. No blisters. I was thrilled with these results! I need my hand for work. I’m ambidextrous while using a mouse, but I prefer my left hand due to other right handed issues I’ve had in the past.

The second day I put honey on it for another 30 minutes and I think I might have done another ASEA soak. I used Renu28 many times throughout the day too.

By the second day after the incident, I was treating my hand like normal. I continued to use Renu28 for that day, then let it heal on its own. It eventually pealed, but no blistering happened and it didn’t hurt anymore after the second day.

I was thrilled with these results!! Without the treatment I did, I think the burn might have been hospital worthy. I definitely wasn’t expecting to be able to use my hand the following day like normal.

I call this a definite ASEA/Renu28 combo win! With an assist from local raw honey. I have found that the faster I use ASEA products and the more I use, the faster/better things heal. So I always keep at least Renu28 on me. When appropriate, I use it with additional healing modalities. It always enhances the other items I use. LOVE THESE MOLECULES!

Please note: Iโ€™m not trying to sell you ASEA. I am sharing my experience and I am an ASEA associate. If this sounds like something you want to try, Iโ€™m here to help answer questions.

If reading is more your thing, you can find more information here: and

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Product Review: ASEA and the Aching Body

I recently celebrated my 38th birthday. Yay me! Unfortunately, it seems that with each passing year, I make more noises when I squat, stand up, or climb out of bed in the morning. I’m like a human groan tube! Aren’t I too young for this??

Do you remember groan tubes?! I loved them! I just don’t love sounding like them!

Enter ASEA…In August 2020, I started taking ASEA. There were a lot of changes I noticed pretty quickly; better sleep, no more anxiety attacks, and increased energy to name a few. However, there were some things that took a while for me to notice, because they were more subtle.

Several months after taking ASEA, I noticed that I’m not groaning when I stand up or climb out of bed in the morning. I can be down on the ground with my kids longer and stand up without pain/noise. Yay!!

Best of all, I’m able to handle more physical exercise during the day without the whole body aches that use to take me a day or two to recover. Plus, if I start feeling achy, I can take an extra ounce or two of ASEA and most of the time, the aches disappear.

I no longer fear evenings after challenging my body by gardening, going on a 4 mile walk, and cooking 3 meals. I have the energy to do it all and my body is keeping up with me. Yay!

For now, I’m super excited to put my groaning behind me. I’m sure in the future it will come back. I’m no Benjamin Button. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I’m not taking an anti aging potion, but I am helping my body communicate better ๐Ÿ˜Š

Please note, Iโ€™m not trying to sell you ASEA. I am a distributor of sorts and if this sounds like something you want to try, Iโ€™m here to help answer questions, but that isnโ€™t my goal. If reading is more your thing, you can find more information here: and

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Product Review: ASEA and Eyes


I’ve written about ASEA Redox Molecules and Emotions, told you a story about my (and Jeff’s) first few weeks, and my friend Rem and his mysterious eye experience. Now I’d like to take some time to tell you about my eyes.

I’ve seen a lot of changes in myself since starting ASEA in August 2020. One of the more surprising changes over the past few months has been in my vision. I’ve been wearing glasses since I was about 13 or 14 years old. I primarily have an astigmatism, but I also have a slight distance issue.

On top of the glasses for a prescription, I also have an eye condition, which causes cuts on my eyes in the mornings when I open my eyes. The pain from these cuts is in the top 5 worst pains I’ve ever experienced. So I will do anything to prevent these cuts.

These days I wear the Manta Slim Fit eye mask. Since wearing the mask, I haven’t had any issues. Yay!

My Prescription History

2014 was the last time I had glasses made. This was a few years after my son was born. That prescription held fairly steady until 2019, when I needed new glasses. At that time, my prescription had gotten a little worse.

In July 2019, I attempted to have Costco make glasses for me. That was a trip! I’m not easy to make glasses for. I have a narrow head, smaller face, and crooked/uneven ears. I usually wind up looking for petite or teen glasses, because adult glasses look like clown glasses.

I had Costco try to make the glasses twice, but they didn’t come out right and I never wore them. My prescription wasn’t much worse, so I dealt with it. I loved my previous glasses.

February 2021

Around December 2021 I remember mentioning to Jeff that I was seeing really well. He shook his head and said I was crazy ๐Ÿคช  My prescription can’t improve.

In late January/early February, I started having eye issues. At first I just noticed my eyes hurting a lot. My right eye more than my left. Unsure what the issue was, I decided to try using ASEA as eye drops (3 drops per day). This helped my eyes feel better, but they were still bothering me.

Eventually, I realized the pain was only when I was wearing my glasses. It felt like my eyes were straining with my glasses on. I found myself taking my glasses off more than putting them on. So, I decided to make an eye doctor appointment.

Sadly, due to insurance changes, I needed to find a new optometrist. My new optometrist took the prescription off my 2014 glasses and compared it to his new prescription and told me the right eye had improved about a click and the left was a half click improvement.

Say what?! Yup! An improvement from my 2014 prescription. The one that was weaker than my 2019 prescription. He said he noticed the scaring from my eye condition, but no other conditions that would cause my prescription to improve randomly.


Now I have new glasses. It took some time to adjust to my new prescription, but now I like the new glasses ๐Ÿ™‚

The skeptic in me says maybe this is a coincidence, but I’m keeping an open mind. After all, I’ve seen so many other changes, it’s hard for me to discount this coincidence.

One thing I’m certain about is that I’m extremely grateful for these redox molecules and I’m looking forward to see what else the future holds with them.

Please note, Iโ€™m not trying to sell you ASEA. I am a distributor of sorts and if this sounds like something you want to try, Iโ€™m here to help answer questions, but that isnโ€™t my goal. If reading is more your thing, you can find more information here: and

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Product Review: ASEA and the First Few Weeks


I’ve written about ASEA Redox Molecules and Emotions and told you a story about my friend Rem and his mysterious eye experience. I think for this article I’ll tell you about the first few weeks on ASEA for Jeff and I. Say what?! Yes, Jeff is taking ASEA now too!

Shortly after reading my first ASEA post, Jeff decided he would give ASEA a try. Jeff is very skeptical of all things I do. Rightfully so. When I brought home essential oils, I think he thought I was trying to kill him. He wasn’t too far off base as we quickly learned he has sensitivities to coconut and many essential oils. Poor Jeffy!

Even though he had some rough experiences with essential oils, he wanted to give ASEA a try after reading my and other people’s stories.


With Jeff’s decision made, he geared up for his first cup of ASEA. He looked at it like a quarterback staring down the opposing team like they were about to attack him. In my head I was chanting, “Blue 52! Blue 52! Hut! Hut! Hike!” while he downed the 1 ounce shot glass as quickly as humanly possible.

Slightly cringing, he set down the glass and shook his head like a wet dog and instantly questioned his sanity (and mine).

My reaction was probably very similar to Jeff’s, but I like to imagine I was more like Cindy Crawford drinking Pepsi. Haha!

One thing was for certain…we both questioned why we were subjecting ourselves to something that tasted like salty chlorinated pool water.


Even though the taste was less than desirable, I was motivated to keep going. Throughout day 1 I noticed I had more energy than usual.

You should know that I can’t have caffeine. It impacts me greatly. I become extremely unfocused and over stimulated. So, energy boosting drinks have always been off limits.

However, this is NOT that type of energy! This is a constant energy that keeps me motivated and focused without the negative effects that caffeine causes me. Winner winner chicken ๐Ÿ— dinner!

Jeff doesn’t share my caffeine issues. He’s a caffeine drinker, but he’s also a napper. Ever since I met him he would nap most on Saturdays, Sundays, and other days he had off. Ally sometimes tucks him in with her stuffies. Isn’t he cute?!

Jeff Napping on a Saturday Afternoon

The first day he had ASEA he didn’t nap. In fact, he hasn’t napped since starting. He’s also been more productive completing his honey-do list around the house ๐Ÿ™‚ Yay for energy!


I’m ordinarily a fairly good sleeper. Most nights I fall asleep pretty quickly, but wake a few times to rearrange myself.

The first night I took ASEA I fell asleep quickly and slept FANTASTIC! I felt like I slept deeper/longer and questioned if I even woke once all night. I was refreshed and ready to start the next day. So, I decided it must be a fluke, but the “fluke” continued.

These days even if I get less than an ideal amount of sleep, I’m often well rested enough that I’m not dragging/tired during the day. If I am dragging (usually due to things outside my control – i.e. middle of the night kid interruptions), I have been known to increase my amount of ASEA for the day and feel better.

Jeff has more issues with sleeping. He wasn’t just a midday napper, he was also a cat napper before his actual bedtime. He would fall asleep on the couch watching tv around 7/8 PM and eventually make it to bed around 10PM.

After Jeff’s first two doses of ASEA, he stayed awake until 10PM with no naps! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ His “fluke” has continued too. In fact, I jokingly told Ellen, the friend who introduced me to ASEA, that I need to take Jeff off ASEA, because he has too much energy and is going to bed later. I’ve lost my me time! Haha. It’s okay though, because now we have more us time. And with 2 kids, us time is nice!


Our first impressions were very similar, but the ways ASEA continues to impact and support each of us appears to be tailored to what each of our bodies needs. Keep watching for more ASEA posts to see how else ASEA has impacted our lives.

Please note, Iโ€™m not trying to sell you ASEA. I am a distributor of sorts and if this sounds like something you want to try, Iโ€™m here to help answer questions, but that isnโ€™t my goal. If reading is more your thing, you can find more information here: and

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Product Review: My Friend Rem and ASEA and Renu28

Remy circa February 2021

Meet my friend Rem (Remy). Remy recently celebrated his 1st birthday! Yay Remy! Isn’t he cute? He’s ALWAYS by my side.

One day in December I was working while Remy, Leo, and Ella were all outside playing.

December in Wisconsin is relatively cold to normal people. The average temperature was in the 30’s for a while. Nothing should have been living. We didn’t have any snow on the ground, so the dogs were enjoying the moderate temperatures. Yes, 30 is moderate in Wisconsin ๐Ÿ™‚

When they all came in, Remy was laying by my side while I was working. He kept rubbing his face on everything in the room. I didn’t think too much of it, because Remy is a rubber. LOL. He rubs against things like walls and beds often.

I eventually finished a phone call I was on and took a good look at him…

Oh no! Remy! My baby! Both his eyes were swollen, although the left eye was much worse. What exactly happened to him? I’ll never know.

I’ve been on a natural path for about 8 years. Prior to that, I would have given him some Benadryl and let him sleep it off. If it didn’t resolve within a few hours, I would have contacted the vet for their opinion.

My natural path had brought me to ASEA over the summer (see my first post here). My new first instinct was to give him a few ounces of ASEA Redox Molecules. I knew he would drink it, because his breeder, Ellen, had introduced him (and me) to it when he was little. He also tried drinking it when I was trying to give it to Bailey. So, I gave him 2 ounces and rubbed some Renu 28 around his face too.

I messaged Ellen and sent her this picture. She immediately suggested doing some eye drops with the ASEA. 15 minutes after the eye drops and a few more rubs of Renu 28…

I’m not a great photographer ๐Ÿ™ and he’s wiggly. But, I hope you can see all the redness and some puffiness went away. I was pretty impressed.

Later that same evening after a few more drops and Renu 28 applications…

Almost back to normal!! No drugs needed!

I continued doing drops a few more times and by the next day…

Isn’t he beautiful? He was 100% normal the next day.

ASEA and Renu28 continue to amaze me. Keep an eye out for more ASEA posts. There will be more ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ve been saving these for a few months.

Please note, Iโ€™m not trying to sell you ASEA. I am a distributor of sorts and if this sounds like something you want to try, Iโ€™m here to help answer questions, but that isnโ€™t my goal. If reading is more your thing, you can find more information here: and

Please like and follow me ๐Ÿ™‚

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Product Review: ASEA Redox & Emotions

Fair warning…this is probably going to be long and I’m really nervous putting this much information about myself out here, but if it helps someone, then I want to do it โค Let’s talk about ASEA Redox Molecules and emotions!

I’ve had anxiety for a long time. In the 1990’s I had my first big anxiety attack. Let’s jump in my time machine and head back to the 90’s. Do you have your Delorean and flux capacitor ready? No? Darn, let’s pretend we do. ๐Ÿ™‚

When I was around 13, my family went to Disney World. I remember standing in line and suddenly I had these racing thoughts. I was worried I couldn’t escape the park. I was hot, sweaty, and just needed to escape, but I couldn’t. The sun was bearing down on me, people were all standing much too close, and there was no escape. I still remember that feeling of helplessness and everything closing in on me.

My family said my eyes started to roll to the back of my head. I remember the blackness and stars entering my peripheral vision. I started to pass out. My family all thought it was dehydration. I’m sure dehydration played a role, but in retrospect, I’m fairly certain that was my first real big anxiety attack. As I grew up, I would often have attacks in crowds or when I felt like I didn’t have an exit.

That was my embarrassing first anxiety experience. It wasn’t my last, but lets return to more recent events…

I was officially diagnosed with anxiety in my 20’s. I decided not to medicate. I was a stubborn/invincible 20 year old and certain that knowledge is power and I can beat anything. **Jamie shakes her head at her 20 year old self**

I researched anxiety/depression and over the years, I found diet, essential oils, meditation, and other calming techniques were able to reduce the symptoms and attacks. I never got close to passing out again. Yay!! People like it when you don’t pass out on them ๐Ÿ™‚

With my anxiety managed, I thought I was healthy. I thought 1 major anxiety attack a month was under control. I mean 1 attack per month is a lot better than 3! Right? Right!

Anyhow, I knew a friend of mine was using a product called ASEA, but I wasn’t ready to take that jump yet. She had been mentioning many of the physical benefits and I thought most of my issues were more ‘mental’. Plus, I thought I was mostly fine and the cost outweighed the benefit.

Then, August 2020 happened…

Our 11.5 year old golden retriever, Bailey (Bai), became suddenly ill. I would have done anything to heal him. Sadly, it was his heart and probably a tumor. We started him on ASEA redox cell signaling supplement, but it was too late. We decided to put him down.

This happened within 7 days. It was very fast. When everything was said and done, I had 3 bottles of ASEA left and a serious hole in my heart. So, I decided to try ASEA myself. After all, I wasn’t going to let them go to waste!

I remember my first dose of ASEA. I didn’t expect it to do much. I’m really a skeptic at heart. Anyhow, that first dose was after we put Bai down. My heart had been hurting for a few days. It was the kind of pain you feel when you’ve lost your best friend and the world isn’t as happy as it once was. Everything is a little darker.

After the first 2 oz cup, the pain in my chest lifted. I was still sad, but the pain in my heart was gone. This was my first ASEA win. It was a small enough win that of course I figured it was all in my head. What good/anxious skeptic wouldn’t? But, I kept taking it. I still had 3 bottles. ๐Ÿ™‚

Over the next few weeks, I was taking 4 oz per day and I noticed several things emotionally. 1st and foremost, my anxiety started to improve. I wasn’t worrying about what I said in a conversation 3 months ago. I wasn’t worrying about my family dying while I wasn’t with them. I was able to breathe. Not physically – I mean I was obviously physically breathing – but emotionally I could breathe. I felt freer/lighter.

Still this must be a coincidence, right?

2-3 months after starting ASEA, my major attacks have stopped. I haven’t had one since. My thoughts have cleared. I don’t have racing thoughts. My worries are “normal” and controlled. I don’t think about the conversation I had 3 months ago where I put my foot in my mouth. I move on. I keep moving forward (โคDisneyMeet the Robinsons).

Most of this blog post discusses my anxiety. My depression was always minor and I often referred to it (in my head) as anxiety’s evil friend. The two went hand in hand. As my anxiety improved, my depression disappeared.

6 months taking ASEA and I’m more balanced than I was when I started. This alone was enough to keep me on ASEA, but this is only a small part of my experience. I’ll be doing a few more posts with my physical benefits and my dog Remy’s story!

Please note, I’m not trying to sell you ASEA. I am a distributor of sorts and if this sounds like something you want to try, I’m here to help answer questions, but that isn’t my goal. If reading is more your thing, you can find more information here:

Anxiety/depression aren’t talked about enough. If you don’t have them, you probably won’t understand how debilitating they can be or how much they affect your loved ones, but anxiety isn’t rare.

Approximately 40 million people in the US suffer from anxiety, but only about 37% of people seek treatment (,of%20those%20suffering%20receive%20treatment). If you or your someone you love is dealing with anxiety or depression, please consult with a doctor and seek help. No one should suffer in silence.

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.