My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Lorenzo to the Rescue
The youngest Andrews, Abi, gets herself in the craziest messes! This time, she tells a childhood nemesis she’s on her honeymoon with Lorenzo, a chef she only met once at her sister’s wedding.
Abi is crazy and fun and everything you want in a bestie. She lives her life doing what she wants and has created a flower business from the ground up, because she loves making flower arrangements.
Lorenzo is a bastard chef who flits from kitchen to kitchen around the world. Originally from Italy, he makes amazing fettuccini that a famous bride to be must have at her wedding, which sends him to Aruba to work on the same wedding as Abi.
Lorenzo is the biker, tatted up, Italian speaking bad boy that women dream about having in bed. He may be this “bastard” chef on the surface, but he’s actually an awesome guy. He’s the sweetest to Abi and he has you saying, “awwww...” practically every time he opens his mouth.
Read this book! You’ll enjoy everything about it. From the vibrator grabbing sex scenes to Jane’s cut a bitch craziness this book is great! Happy reading y’all!!
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