Oh my goodness!! I tried to watch this movie 3 times. I’ll admit, the first 2 times, I half-assed attempted, but on the third try I fully committed – like I said “I do” – to watching it! I put the movie on, put my feet up, covered myself with my warm furry blanket, propped my Chromebook on my lap, and hunkered down to watch the movie.
And it kept my attention for…wait for it…2 MINUTES! 2 FREAKING MINUTES!! UGH! Have you ever tried catching a flea? My dogs had a couple of fleas this summer and those buggers are fast! You think you have your eye on it, and then it’s gone. That’s like this movie.
I thought I was watching it, but I must have been staring into space, because I’m sitting here wondering what is going on?! I saw the opening scene where Maddie spills her drink on the other woman, I saw her ask for permission to take leave to go on the ship for the holidays, and then BAM! I’m watching Maddie find an article about a wedding and the movie is wrapping up.
Maybe I got abducted for an hour and a half? I mean, that’s the only reasonable explanation, right? Haha! Kidding! A shiny object must have caught my attention…SQUIRREL!
Anyhow, I think this movie and I weren’t a match made in Hallmark matrimony. I’m giving it 2 stars, because the beginning and end were okay. It was everything in between that just couldn’t hold my interest. So, I can’t recommend watching this movie, but if military movies are your thing, then give it a chance. I hope it’s better for you than it was for me!