Image via: https://www.hallmarkchannel.com/baby-its-cold-inside
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐
Oh Hallmark! You cunning puppeteer! It’s been a while since I’ve seen two women go after the same man on a Hallmark movie. The previews didn’t give away this plot twist. Here’s a quick movie re-cap and my two cents 🙂
Movie Re-cap
Hannah is an accident prone travel agent who is sent to an ice hotel to see if it should be recommended for winter getaways. While in the hotel, Hannah meets Ben (the owner/creator) of the ice hotel. Throw in a jealous employee, a secret hotel reviewer, and the promise of a job promotion to lure Hannah away and we have a complete Hallmark movie.
My Two Cents
So…I’m half and half on this movie. There are a lot of cute parts (mostly due to Hannah’s clumsiness), but there were a few head-scratching moments too.
The very opening scene in the movie kinda irked me. Hannah is scheduled to go on a cruise with her best friend, Phoebe, and family. Her boss tells her to cancel so she can go on the trip to the ice hotel instead. Her boss also insinuates that if she doesn’t go, then she may not be eligible for the upcoming promotion.
I wouldn’t want to work for a company that treated me like that. If I’ve worked hard enough to be considered for the promotion, then this one trip shouldn’t make a difference when I have a planned trip with my family. Why was Hannah so willing to give up her trip with her family? Stick up for yourself Hannah!
It worked out for her in the end, but it bothered me that she allowed herself to be pressured into dropping her family and friend to go onto the trip her boss requested.
Moving past this, I enjoyed some parts about this movie. There was so much art and nature! The ice hotel itself was gorgeous! The rooms were decorated with beautiful designs and sculptures. There was a walking path with lights, northern lights, and they incorporated glass blowing. GLASS BLOWING! I love glass blowing!
Despite everything I enjoyed about this movie, it was just okay. I like strong female leads and more humor. I felt Hannah’s lack of self-confidence was a turn-off and the movie wasn’t quite funny enough to be a serious romcom. Give it a try if you’re bored, but I wouldn’t seek this one out. Happy movie watching y’all!