Fair warning…this is probably going to be long and I’m really nervous putting this much information about myself out here, but if it helps someone, then I want to do it ❤ Let’s talk about ASEA Redox Molecules and emotions!
I’ve had anxiety for a long time. In the 1990’s I had my first big anxiety attack. Let’s jump in my time machine and head back to the 90’s. Do you have your Delorean and flux capacitor ready? No? Darn, let’s pretend we do. 🙂
When I was around 13, my family went to Disney World. I remember standing in line and suddenly I had these racing thoughts. I was worried I couldn’t escape the park. I was hot, sweaty, and just needed to escape, but I couldn’t. The sun was bearing down on me, people were all standing much too close, and there was no escape. I still remember that feeling of helplessness and everything closing in on me.
My family said my eyes started to roll to the back of my head. I remember the blackness and stars entering my peripheral vision. I started to pass out. My family all thought it was dehydration. I’m sure dehydration played a role, but in retrospect, I’m fairly certain that was my first real big anxiety attack. As I grew up, I would often have attacks in crowds or when I felt like I didn’t have an exit.
That was my embarrassing first anxiety experience. It wasn’t my last, but lets return to more recent events…
I was officially diagnosed with anxiety in my 20’s. I decided not to medicate. I was a stubborn/invincible 20 year old and certain that knowledge is power and I can beat anything. **Jamie shakes her head at her 20 year old self**
I researched anxiety/depression and over the years, I found diet, essential oils, meditation, and other calming techniques were able to reduce the symptoms and attacks. I never got close to passing out again. Yay!! People like it when you don’t pass out on them 🙂
With my anxiety managed, I thought I was healthy. I thought 1 major anxiety attack a month was under control. I mean 1 attack per month is a lot better than 3! Right? Right!
Anyhow, I knew a friend of mine was using a product called ASEA, but I wasn’t ready to take that jump yet. She had been mentioning many of the physical benefits and I thought most of my issues were more ‘mental’. Plus, I thought I was mostly fine and the cost outweighed the benefit.
Then, August 2020 happened…
Our 11.5 year old golden retriever, Bailey (Bai), became suddenly ill. I would have done anything to heal him. Sadly, it was his heart and probably a tumor. We started him on ASEA redox cell signaling supplement, but it was too late. We decided to put him down.
This happened within 7 days. It was very fast. When everything was said and done, I had 3 bottles of ASEA left and a serious hole in my heart. So, I decided to try ASEA myself. After all, I wasn’t going to let them go to waste!
I remember my first dose of ASEA. I didn’t expect it to do much. I’m really a skeptic at heart. Anyhow, that first dose was after we put Bai down. My heart had been hurting for a few days. It was the kind of pain you feel when you’ve lost your best friend and the world isn’t as happy as it once was. Everything is a little darker.
After the first 2 oz cup, the pain in my chest lifted. I was still sad, but the pain in my heart was gone. This was my first ASEA win. It was a small enough win that of course I figured it was all in my head. What good/anxious skeptic wouldn’t? But, I kept taking it. I still had 3 bottles. 🙂
Over the next few weeks, I was taking 4 oz per day and I noticed several things emotionally. 1st and foremost, my anxiety started to improve. I wasn’t worrying about what I said in a conversation 3 months ago. I wasn’t worrying about my family dying while I wasn’t with them. I was able to breathe. Not physically – I mean I was obviously physically breathing – but emotionally I could breathe. I felt freer/lighter.
Still this must be a coincidence, right?
2-3 months after starting ASEA, my major attacks have stopped. I haven’t had one since. My thoughts have cleared. I don’t have racing thoughts. My worries are “normal” and controlled. I don’t think about the conversation I had 3 months ago where I put my foot in my mouth. I move on. I keep moving forward (❤Disney – Meet the Robinsons).
Most of this blog post discusses my anxiety. My depression was always minor and I often referred to it (in my head) as anxiety’s evil friend. The two went hand in hand. As my anxiety improved, my depression disappeared.
6 months taking ASEA and I’m more balanced than I was when I started. This alone was enough to keep me on ASEA, but this is only a small part of my experience. I’ll be doing a few more posts with my physical benefits and my dog Remy’s story!
Please note, I’m not trying to sell you ASEA. I am a distributor of sorts and if this sounds like something you want to try, I’m here to help answer questions, but that isn’t my goal. If reading is more your thing, you can find more information here: https://aseaglobal.com/products/asearedoxsupplement/
Anxiety/depression aren’t talked about enough. If you don’t have them, you probably won’t understand how debilitating they can be or how much they affect your loved ones, but anxiety isn’t rare.
Approximately 40 million people in the US suffer from anxiety, but only about 37% of people seek treatment (https://adaa.org/understanding-anxiety/facts-statistics#:~:text=Anxiety%20disorders%20are%20the%20most,of%20those%20suffering%20receive%20treatment). If you or your someone you love is dealing with anxiety or depression, please consult with a doctor and seek help. No one should suffer in silence.
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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.