Hallmark Movie Review: The Christmas Promise

Image via: https://www.hallmarkmoviesandmysteries.com/the-christmas-promise

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Oh the tears! 😭 Oh the laughter! 😂 This movie has it all. Here’s a quick re-cap, then my full two cents…

Quick Re-Cap

Nicole “Nic” loses her soon to be husband. A year after the accident that took Henry’s life, it’s Christmas season again and Nicole is still adjusting to life without him. She’s trying to finish a house they were fixing up to live in. She talks to her grandfather about how he handled losing her grandmother. He said he wrote her letters for the first year after she died. So, Nicole starts texting Henry’s old phone number, but someone else now owns his old number.

My Two Cents

About two weeks ago we said goodbye to our 13.5 year old dog. It was sudden, but it was undeniably her time. It’s always hard to say goodbye to them, but at least we had the chance to say goodbye. Nic didn’t have that chance, which makes it so much harder when you lose someone. I cried for her loss.

In fact, this is the second movie (the first was Christmas in my Heart) this Christmas season to bring up death. Since I didn’t see any previews of this movie ahead of time, it caught me unaware and I was hit with a lot of emotions in the first few minutes of the movie when I realized what was happening.

After accepting the movie for what it was, I was pleased to meet Joe. He cracked me up! Oh my gosh! That first peppermint bark cupcake bite. He stuck his nose in the frosting. His nose!! Ewww, yet funny. 😂 Then there was the tarot reading with Lord Fluff N’ Stuff. More 😂😂😂

Nic’s friends were so nice. I’m glad they didn’t let her completely hide herself away the whole holiday season. I loved the girls night in. The skin mask fight looked like so much fun!

I liked how Nic’s texting with Joe helped her with her grief, but the texting wasn’t the only thing that helped Nic. Joe’s goofiness worked its way into her heart and helped heal the wounds from Henry’s loss.

With all the fun things I’ve mentioned, it shouldn’t surprise you that the tone in this movie wasn’t overwhelmingly sad like Christmas in My Heart, which made me like it much more. I recommend watching this movie if you get the chance. I don’t think it belongs on my must watch list, but it’s very good. Happy movie watching y’all!

Have you seen it? What did you think? Leave a comment!

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Movie Review: Meet Me at Christmas

Meet Me at Christmas
Movie Rating:

You need to know a few things about me.

First, one of my favorite romance plots is the second chance romance. Movies where the whole plot revolves around a romance that started when they were young, but was lost for one reason or another and now has a chance to blossom. 

Second, I have always liked Catherine Bell AND Mark Deklin. Together, they are pure Christmas magic. I bet Cassie Nightingale had something to do with this match, but what took Hallmark so long to put these two together?! 

Third, I have a strong belief in fate and “Love finds you when it’s suppose to,” which is a large theme in this movie. Joan and Beau were meant to come back together at this time, in this place and in this way. 

Okay…Now that we’ve gone over things that make me say awwwww, hopefully you’ll understand a little better when I say, I. LOVED. THIS. MOVIE!! It hit me right in the feels time and time again.

The feels start right away with flashbacks to Joan’s past. I enjoyed seeing young Joan’s history with her husband to be and the man who first took her heart. This was done very well and helped set the stage for Joan and Beau’s reaction to figuring out who each other were, which had ME tearing up.

Be still my heart! This is Hallmark – it’ll all work out. Even at the climax when everything comes crashing down, and two people are acting like stubborn arses, hold onto that hope, because in the end, we get the love we want all along. 

If all this sounds like your type of movie, please watch this! It’s such a sweet story of fate, new love, old love, lost love, and found love. I think it’ll hit you in the feels too. Happy watching y’all!