Image via: https://www.hallmarkchannel.com/it-was-always-you
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Lizzy, I love you! You’re cute, quirky, organized, awkward, and most importantly…you love lists!
My family has often joked that I’ve had a list since the day I was born. They weren’t wrong. The most recent list looked something like:
✅ Graduate college
✅ Find a job
✅ Marry an awesome man
✅ Buy a house
✅ Have Dogs
✅ Have Kids
List making fills my soul with happiness. And yup, I’m doing good with my current list, but that’s not why we’re here…we’re here to talk about this movie!
Lizzy’s list making makes it seem like George would be a good fit. George is Mr. Safety man. He’s risk averse, which makes everything he does predictable and reliable and easy to plan, but also incredibly boring and dull.
I LOVED his reaction to having Oysters! Oh George, so predictable. Of course you wouldn’t eat oysters. Of course you would wonder how many people die from eating raw Oysters per year.
FYI – Google says about 100 people per year die in the US from eating raw oysters.
List makers and organizers DO NOT need Georges in their life. They need people who will help them let go, laugh, dance, be spontaneous, and forget their lists – but only sometimes because sometimes lists are necessary. List makers need someone like David!
David who pretended to pass out due to a peanut allergy. Who tells you you’re a neopolitan sundae. Or takes blame for something he didn’t do to protect Lizzy. Or keeps a rabbit foot as a reminder of the girl he secretly loves. List makers need Davids in their life.
It’s no surprise then that David and Lizzy wind up needing to plan her and George’s wedding and in doing so, Lizzy realizes what she’s missing in her relationship.
There were so many cute jokes and scenes in this movie! Oh, and the music! Hallmark has really upped their music prowess this year. You are So Beautiful is one of my favorite songs. Jeff and I sing it to our dog Ella all the time.
Overall, this movie is really good and sweet. The ending had a little “Arg! Why’d you do that?!” moment, but I’m going to forgive it. I get why they did what they did. Even though it wasn’t how I wanted to see it play out, it still had a Hallmark happily ever after. Give this movie a try y’all! Happy movie watching!!
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