It’s been a while since I talked about ASEA. Some of you may be wondering why?! If she isn’t writing about it, then she must not be using it anymore. Nope! This is absolutely not the case!
In fact, there are so many ASEA stories from over the last year or two. I’ll split a few of the more memorable ones into a few posts over the next week or two. ASEA is as firmly in my life as essential oils and other natural remedies I’ve procured over the years. š
I think everyone who cooks has had a burn from time to time. And I bet after every burn you look back and say, “Why did I do that?!” Unfortunately, since this kind of thing happens, I prefer to find remedies that make it heal better and faster. Being newer to ASEA, I had read experiences of ASEA and burns. As always, I was skeptical. Unfortunately, I had the opportunity to try it out in December 2021. Here’s my story š
December 16th I was making dinner and had a pan in the oven at 450ā for an hour, then turned it to broil at 550ā for the final 5 minutes. It was a very hot pan! Previously, I had two hot pads out to grab the pan, but this time I decided to grab the pan one handed. So, I threw the hot pad on my right hand.
I opened the oven, took the pan out, and it wobbled a little. Instinctively, my left hand came up to steady it. OMG!! OUCH!!! WHAT WAS I THINKING?!? Ugh, I wasn’t thinking. Reflexes kicked in to save the pan and my hand suffered the consequences. The odds were not ever in its favor in that moment.
I swore (like all sane people) and ran to the sink to run cold water over my hand. It didn’t do much, so I tried to think through other options while my hand continued to burn. I didn’t have aloe. Essential oils aren’t usually a go to for burns without making a salve, which I wasn’t going to do in my current condition. Then I thought about ASEA. I didn’t have anything to lose. So, I poured enough ASEA into a glass container to be able to completely submerge the parts of my hand that were burned. I let it soak for about 30-60 minutes.

While in the ASEA, my hand didn’t burn severely. It didn’t feel normal, but it was definitely tolerable. After coming out of the ASEA, the stinging started to return. I used Renu28 several times within 5 minutes after my hand dried. That too helped, but the pain came back.

I thought the burn looked pretty good. It didn’t look nearly as red as I expected. It just stung a bit. I googled a little (always dangerous – but my hand hurt!). I found honey as an option. I always have raw honey on hand, so I grabbed some and put it on for about another 30-60 minutes. STING GONE.

The next morning my hand was surprisingly usable. I would compare it to a healing bruise. I could use my hand fully, but it was tender if I pushed hard on it. Light touches didn’t bother me. No blisters. I was thrilled with these results! I need my hand for work. I’m ambidextrous while using a mouse, but I prefer my left hand due to other right handed issues I’ve had in the past.

The second day I put honey on it for another 30 minutes and I think I might have done another ASEA soak. I used Renu28 many times throughout the day too.
By the second day after the incident, I was treating my hand like normal. I continued to use Renu28 for that day, then let it heal on its own. It eventually pealed, but no blistering happened and it didn’t hurt anymore after the second day.

I was thrilled with these results!! Without the treatment I did, I think the burn might have been hospital worthy. I definitely wasn’t expecting to be able to use my hand the following day like normal.
I call this a definite ASEA/Renu28 combo win! With an assist from local raw honey. I have found that the faster I use ASEA products and the more I use, the faster/better things heal. So I always keep at least Renu28 on me. When appropriate, I use it with additional healing modalities. It always enhances the other items I use. LOVE THESE MOLECULES!
Please note: Iām not trying to sell you ASEA. I am sharing my experience and I am an ASEA associate. If this sounds like something you want to try, Iām here to help answer questions.
If reading is more your thing, you can find more information here: and
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