Image via: https://www.hallmarkchannel.com/a-winter-getaway
I was really excited to watch this movie from the first preview I saw a few weeks ago. I adore Jen Lilley. Although I need to say that I prefer her with darker hair instead of blonde. But regardless of hair color, she made this movie something special.
I love quirky women and Jen’s character, Kate – or as I call her – always play it safe Kate is definitely quirky. See, Kate is scared of living, so she stays in New York and never ventures outside city limits. In fact, she doesn’t like being country quiet, being outside, and her version of rock climbing is in a temperature controlled building with ropes and safety precautions abound.
However, Kate needs to travel to Canada to visit with an Author for an article she’s writing. While there, she makes plans to stay at Noah’s B&B. Unfortunately, Noah’s business isn’t doing well, so he’s decided to expand into giving tours. He asks Kate and Jen to take a 3 day adventure tour and provide feedback on his tour giving abilities.
Boy oh boy does Kate give Noah feedback! She’s ruthless. LOL. Now granted, Noah did need some serious help. He was horrible, but with Kate’s help, he finds his stride in being a tour guide and Kate finds her stride in living life.
I loved this movie for several reasons. If you want to analyze this movie, it had many life lessons. One of the biggest being not to waste life. Don’t be afraid to experience life and don’t be closed off to new opportunities. Sometimes we put blinders on and forget to take them off to see what else is out there. GIVE NEW EXPERIENCES A TRY! You never know what you might end up liking.
Another reason I loved this movie was that it made me laugh…A LOT. Noah’s ridiculous jokes even had my husband laughing (shhhh…don’t tell him I told you all that he was watching this with me or that he ENJOYED IT!).
I was just reminiscing about the beautiful herb garden I had when I was growing up. Good thymes.
Why do melons have weddings? Because they cantaloupe!
What do sprinters eat before a race? Nothing, they fast!
I only picked 3, but if you click them, they’ll take you to another 100+ jokes I found on bestoflife.com. Hehe. Check them out! Also, check out this movie! It was definitely worth watching. For those of you who like sales, you’ll love this! It’s like a two for one, because Kate’s photographer also has a little romance going on. Happy movie watching y’all!!
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