Movie Review: Meet Me at Christmas

Meet Me at Christmas
Movie Rating:

You need to know a few things about me.

First, one of my favorite romance plots is the second chance romance. Movies where the whole plot revolves around a romance that started when they were young, but was lost for one reason or another and now has a chance to blossom. 

Second, I have always liked Catherine Bell AND Mark Deklin. Together, they are pure Christmas magic. I bet Cassie Nightingale had something to do with this match, but what took Hallmark so long to put these two together?! 

Third, I have a strong belief in fate and “Love finds you when it’s suppose to,” which is a large theme in this movie. Joan and Beau were meant to come back together at this time, in this place and in this way. 

Okay…Now that we’ve gone over things that make me say awwwww, hopefully you’ll understand a little better when I say, I. LOVED. THIS. MOVIE!! It hit me right in the feels time and time again.

The feels start right away with flashbacks to Joan’s past. I enjoyed seeing young Joan’s history with her husband to be and the man who first took her heart. This was done very well and helped set the stage for Joan and Beau’s reaction to figuring out who each other were, which had ME tearing up.

Be still my heart! This is Hallmark – it’ll all work out. Even at the climax when everything comes crashing down, and two people are acting like stubborn arses, hold onto that hope, because in the end, we get the love we want all along. 

If all this sounds like your type of movie, please watch this! It’s such a sweet story of fate, new love, old love, lost love, and found love. I think it’ll hit you in the feels too. Happy watching y’all!

Movie Review: Christmas in Vienna

Christmas In Vienna
Movie Rating

Instead of Christmas in Vienna, this movie could be called Christmas on Rinse & Repeat. The whole movie can be summed up as: Jess and Mark meet in the square, someone asks someone if they speak English, Jess steps out of her comfort zone, Mark shoots her down, Mark asks Jess’ opinion, Jess gives her opinion, Mark gets mad, Mark apologizes…RINSE & REPEAT.

Ahhh!! Christmas in Vienna…I don’t know what to think of you. You’re such a mixed bag, because there is so much I did enjoy, but Jess continuing to put herself out there and open her heart while Mark continued to shut her down got to me after the third or fourth time. She gave him so many opportunities. Granted, he did finally come around, but should it have really taken that many times? I’m just not sure. 

Let’s take a minute to talk about the mistletoe scene. A kiss on the hand?! Come on Hallmark! That was a serious missed opportunity. I would have loved at least a kiss on the cheek. It’s mistletoe after all!

Now that you know what really bothered me about the movie, let’s get to some of the good stuff. Despite my frustrations, there was still lots to enjoy with this movie.

I loved Jess’s character! She’s adorable and quirky and, like me, can’t pronounce any German. Sprechen sie English? Yup, that’s about as much as I can say too Jess! I even butcher that. 

More than the main story line of Mark and Jess, the story of Vincent and Tory is adorable too. I loved watching their chemistry. And how can you not like someone who references Gremlins in regard to taking care of children?! I’ve done that so many times in my life. 

    • Don’t feed them after midnight
    • Don’t get them wet
    • Don’t expose them to light

Speaking of the children. How cute were they?! Jess helped each child grow a little throughout the movie. The youngest learns how to play violin, the son learns to “hang his hat,” and the oldest performs her song at the end. 

As you can see, Jess really made this movie shine through her amazing heart. Her speech to Summer was pure gold. I wish I could write down the whole thing and put it here, but it’s really something you need to watch. Plus, the presents she gave at the end of the movie. Each one was so perfect. It proves that cost doesn’t matter with a present – thoughtfulness does.  

Without Jess, this movie wouldn’t have even made the 3.5 stars. Mark’s character was just blah. He didn’t make my heart say awww – except for the stocking scene – and I didn’t hold my breath hoping to see him come into the room so I could watch the chemistry. It could have been a movie about Jess and the kids and it might have been better than the romance movie it was suppose to be.

Should you watch it? I’ll leave that in your hands. Maybe you’ll enjoy it more than me. Good luck! Happy movie watching y’all!