I’ve written about ASEA Redox Molecules and Emotions and told you a story about my friend Rem and his mysterious eye experience. I think for this article I’ll tell you about the first few weeks on ASEA for Jeff and I. Say what?! Yes, Jeff is taking ASEA now too!
Shortly after reading my first ASEA post, Jeff decided he would give ASEA a try. Jeff is very skeptical of all things I do. Rightfully so. When I brought home essential oils, I think he thought I was trying to kill him. He wasn’t too far off base as we quickly learned he has sensitivities to coconut and many essential oils. Poor Jeffy!
Even though he had some rough experiences with essential oils, he wanted to give ASEA a try after reading my and other people’s stories.
With Jeff’s decision made, he geared up for his first cup of ASEA. He looked at it like a quarterback staring down the opposing team like they were about to attack him. In my head I was chanting, “Blue 52! Blue 52! Hut! Hut! Hike!” while he downed the 1 ounce shot glass as quickly as humanly possible.
Slightly cringing, he set down the glass and shook his head like a wet dog and instantly questioned his sanity (and mine).
My reaction was probably very similar to Jeff’s, but I like to imagine I was more like Cindy Crawford drinking Pepsi. Haha!

One thing was for certain…we both questioned why we were subjecting ourselves to something that tasted like salty chlorinated pool water.
Even though the taste was less than desirable, I was motivated to keep going. Throughout day 1 I noticed I had more energy than usual.
You should know that I can’t have caffeine. It impacts me greatly. I become extremely unfocused and over stimulated. So, energy boosting drinks have always been off limits.
However, this is NOT that type of energy! This is a constant energy that keeps me motivated and focused without the negative effects that caffeine causes me. Winner winner chicken ๐ dinner!
Jeff doesn’t share my caffeine issues. He’s a caffeine drinker, but he’s also a napper. Ever since I met him he would nap most on Saturdays, Sundays, and other days he had off. Ally sometimes tucks him in with her stuffies. Isn’t he cute?!

The first day he had ASEA he didn’t nap. In fact, he hasn’t napped since starting. He’s also been more productive completing his honey-do list around the house ๐ Yay for energy!
I’m ordinarily a fairly good sleeper. Most nights I fall asleep pretty quickly, but wake a few times to rearrange myself.
The first night I took ASEA I fell asleep quickly and slept FANTASTIC! I felt like I slept deeper/longer and questioned if I even woke once all night. I was refreshed and ready to start the next day. So, I decided it must be a fluke, but the “fluke” continued.
These days even if I get less than an ideal amount of sleep, I’m often well rested enough that I’m not dragging/tired during the day. If I am dragging (usually due to things outside my control – i.e. middle of the night kid interruptions), I have been known to increase my amount of ASEA for the day and feel better.
Jeff has more issues with sleeping. He wasn’t just a midday napper, he was also a cat napper before his actual bedtime. He would fall asleep on the couch watching tv around 7/8 PM and eventually make it to bed around 10PM.
After Jeff’s first two doses of ASEA, he stayed awake until 10PM with no naps! ๐ฎ His “fluke” has continued too. In fact, I jokingly told Ellen, the friend who introduced me to ASEA, that I need to take Jeff off ASEA, because he has too much energy and is going to bed later. I’ve lost my me time! Haha. It’s okay though, because now we have more us time. And with 2 kids, us time is nice!
Our first impressions were very similar, but the ways ASEA continues to impact and support each of us appears to be tailored to what each of our bodies needs. Keep watching for more ASEA posts to see how else ASEA has impacted our lives.
Please note, Iโm not trying to sell you ASEA. I am a distributor of sorts and if this sounds like something you want to try, Iโm here to help answer questions, but that isnโt my goal. If reading is more your thing, you can find more information here: https://aseaglobal.com/products/asearedoxsupplement/ and https://aseaglobal.com/products/renu28/
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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.