Book Review: Thirst 5 The Sacred Veil

Thirst No. 5: The Sacred VeilThirst No. 5: The Sacred Veil by Christopher Pike
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I want more, more, more!

Sita has had my heart since I met her. Her spunk, wit, and most importantly, her love, empathy, and compassion makes for the perfect lead character. If you haven’t started this series yet, you should!

In this book, Sita must confront someone who she fought against in the past, but barely got away from. Unfortunately, she blocked her memories from the past event and must unlock them to confront the evils she’s facing now.

I loved hearing more stories about Krishna! In this book we get to read about another memory Sita has with Krishna and Yaksha. There’s something in the memories of Krishna that makes me smile when I read them.

I can’t say enough good about this series! But with the good, there is one big sad part…I’m not ready to say goodbye to Sita 😢

Admittedly, I went online and googled to find out what comes next for my favorite hero. I came across a recent post by Christopher Pike that says he has books 6 and 7 planned. I want them now!! Haha.

I hope he doesn’t wait too long to write them. I want to read the conclusion of Sita’s story!! I hope you give this series a try! Happy reading y’all!

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Here’s a link to the book on Amazon! I bought the electronic copy to read on my Kindle app and loved it.

Book Review: Thirst 4 The Shadow of Death

Thirst No. 4: The Shadow of DeathThirst No. 4: The Shadow of Death by Christopher Pike
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

We all a need Sita In Our Lives

Sita is the being who watches over all of humanity and ensures good will always win. She banishes evil and lets good flourish. If I didn’t love her before this book, I definitely would now.

I really liked how Sita became Teri. I felt that being a newborn helped to remind her of where she came from and where she needed to be. I liked even more when she realized who Umara was and found her missing body.

I know there’s another book and I’m looking forward to it. I will definitely be mourning the loss of Sita at the end of this series. Part of me really hopes someone like her is out there keeping this world safe.

If you haven’t yet, please give this series a try. Even if you don’t like vampires, you might like this. Although this book extends more into the sci-fi world than most of the other books, so I think have have to have an open mind to sci-fi type books to like it. Happy reading y’all!!

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Here’s a direct link to Thirst 4. Check it out for yourself!

Book Review: Thirst 3 The Eternal Dawn

Thirst No. 3: The Eternal DawnThirst No. 3: The Eternal Dawn by Christopher Pike
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What the??

What the what?! I’m not sure about this book, but let’s discuss and maybe I’ll decide by the end of this.

There are some spoilers here, but nothing too significant. This might even be in the blurb, but I don’t read those, because I won’t read a book most times if I do. I know, I’m odd.

Anyhow, the final book in Thirst 2 was the last book in the original series. Sita goes back in time to change history and in the final scene, she decides to go all the way back to the day Yaksha was born and kill him before he can be born and she never becomes a vampire. Then we also have a scene with Seymour closing the book as if he was authoring the story the entire time and none of it happened to begin with.

Due to that ending, I was really curious how book 3 even happened. Something must have majorly changed. So, I was expecting a rewrite of sorts on the history. I wasn’t quite expecting this though.

The biggest change is probably with Seymour. In the beginning of book 3, we find out that Sita never met Seymour. Never cured him of his AIDS, but Seymour got on a drug cocktail that did extend his life and he did write the book about Sita. They are psychically linked.

Ray, Joel, Paula, Eddie, Arturo, Kalika, Yaksha, all their stories still happened mostly the way they were originally written. Except that if you’ll remember, Sita used John’s blood to bring Seymour back from the dead, but that didn’t happen in this version. I think something was mentioned about Sita using the blood on herself.

Christopher Pike does explain pretty much every change eventually, but it’s not right away. This makes it confusing if you recently read Book 2 and you’re wondering what the heck is going on?!? Try to get past that and take this book as it is. It’s really well done, action packed, and impossible to put down at times.

I’m looking forward to reading book 4! It’s nice to be reading more Sita stories. Even if they newest villains are a little odd, they’re also incredibly interesting. Give this series a try!! Happy reading y’all!! There's a link below if you want to see or order Thirst 3!

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Book Review: Thirst 2

Thirst No. 2: Phantom, Evil Thirst, and Creatures of Forever (Thirst, #2)Thirst No. 2: Phantom, Evil Thirst, and Creatures of Forever by Christopher Pike
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

As good as the first!

Thirst 2 is the last three books in the original last vampire series.

If I tell you anything about these, it will give them away. So, I won’t tell you about the plots. I’ll give you a involves Sita, the last vampire, and beings who want her blood and/or want her dead. Haha...that also described the first book. Yet somehow it’s not repetitive or dull to me. Quite the opposite! Try putting them down and it feels like Sita is compelling you to keep going.

I was surprised that I didn’t notice any change between this and the original series. I expected a different ending in order for the series to continue. Yet there wasn’t one. It still ends with Seymour and his computer. This makes me even more curious about the next books!!

Read this series y’all! See why Sita grabs your heart and not in that vampiry I’m going to eat it way 😉 See why when someone says “I don’t want to die,” you will always secretly respond with “then you never should have been born.” And why you suddenly find yourself googling "Krishna" and Bhagavad Gita. Happy reading y’all! Below is a link for you to read more about Thirst 2 and purchase if you so desire.

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Book Review: Thirst 1

Thirst No. 1: The Last Vampire, Black Blood, and Red Dice (Thirst, #1)Thirst No. 1: The Last Vampire, Black Blood, and Red Dice by Christopher Pike
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Best Vampire Series

I have loved this series since I was a kid and first read it. I re-read it every few years. It is that good!

Thirst's main lead is Sita, who believes she’s the last vampire, but discovers she isn’t. She needs to stay alive and out of danger as foes (new and old) try to take her down.

This is my first time reading this electronically as “Thirst,” instead of the original series as paperback. It didn’t disappoint. I’m super excited to continue reading the series!!

For those of you not familiar with Christopher Pike books, this is a young adult book, so there isn't any sex scenes, but sex is mentioned, which use to make teenage me feel like I was reading something scandalous. Haha. Adult me would love to see this turned into an adult series, but I still love it how it is.

For any vampire book readers, this is a must-read series! There is so much action, adventure, history, and mythology in this book, it's hard to put it down!

These aren't the shiny/sparkly vampires of Twilight and that's okay. If you've read some of my past reviews, you'll know I'm a huge Twilight fan too, but this book and this author started my love of vampires. Sita has classic strength, speed, and most of all, heart. Plus, we see her acquire new skills. It's neat to know that even a 5,000 year old vampire can learn and grow. Don't get me wrong though, she often still sounds like the 19 year old she was when she was changed.

I hope you give this series a try or give it to a tween/teen you know. It deserves to keep coming around for many generations. I've included a link to it on Amazon. Happy reading y’all!!

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