Book Review: Thirst 4 The Shadow of Death

Thirst No. 4: The Shadow of DeathThirst No. 4: The Shadow of Death by Christopher Pike
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

We all a need Sita In Our Lives

Sita is the being who watches over all of humanity and ensures good will always win. She banishes evil and lets good flourish. If I didn’t love her before this book, I definitely would now.

I really liked how Sita became Teri. I felt that being a newborn helped to remind her of where she came from and where she needed to be. I liked even more when she realized who Umara was and found her missing body.

I know there’s another book and I’m looking forward to it. I will definitely be mourning the loss of Sita at the end of this series. Part of me really hopes someone like her is out there keeping this world safe.

If you haven’t yet, please give this series a try. Even if you don’t like vampires, you might like this. Although this book extends more into the sci-fi world than most of the other books, so I think have have to have an open mind to sci-fi type books to like it. Happy reading y’all!!

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Here’s a direct link to Thirst 4. Check it out for yourself!