Hallmark Movie Review: Nantucket Noel

Image via: https://www.hallmarkchannel.com/nantucket-noel

Rating: ⭐⭐

Sorry everyone. This didn’t do it for me. I’m not sure I’m even going to give it another try. If I do, I’ll update this review. Here’s a quick re-cap and my full two cents.

Quick Re-Cap

A Nantucket Toy store owner, Christina, discovers a real estate developer is interested buying and tearing down a wharf. Andy is the developer’s son and grows close to Christina while him and his daughter, Wink, stay in town.

My Two Cents

Admittedly, I’m not a huge Trevor Donovan fan. Sometimes that’s okay, because the plot is good or the movie has that IT factor. Sadly, this movie didn’t have anything that captured my interest or heart.

Us regular Hallmark watchers are use to seeing the same plots over and over again. So I don’t really expect originality in a movie, but combine this very over done plot with Trevor’s boring as sin workaholic character, an angry father with parent/child relationship issues, and a daughter nicknamed Wink, and I keep thinking my down pillows and some extra chocolate sound like a more exciting evening.

I don’t normally comment on acting abilities, because I don’t feel like I’m in any place to judge acting. I doubt I can act even half as well as the people in these movies, BUT I felt like the acting was fairly bad for the male actors. Trevor and the man who played his father were so bad at times it was painful to watch. Sorry guys!

If you’re a Trevor fan, you might like this. It has it’s moments. The gingerbread house contest, Christmas s’mores, and taking a guy somewhere while blindfolded were all cute and fun. Even some of the quotes were sweet and feels worthy. And of course, there was a Hallmark ending.

All the good things didn’t offset the bad. So, this this movie is definitely NOT making my countdown to Christmas must watch list. I would much rather watch A Mrs. Miracle Christmas or Open By Christmas again! Maybe I’m cranky tonight and you will like this movie a lot more 😉

Have you seen it? What did you think? Leave a comment!

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Movie Review: Two for the Win


Confession time…I wasn’t looking forward to this movie. I’m not a huge fan of either lead in this movie. Also, I struggled to understand the plot from the commercials, but after the first 30 minutes, I was pretty hooked.

In case you struggled with the plot too…this movie is about Justin, a male skier, who is failing to come back from a knee injury. Sound familiar? It should, we saw a similar movie, Taking a Shot at Love, a few weeks ago about a hockey player who had an ankle injury.

That’s okay though, there are only so many romance plots. It’s the content that counts. Did you see the auction scene? I couldn’t help laughing! Kayla was a fantastic auctioneer. And the lady who bid against herself? Yup, that would be me. Totally excited and in the moment and forgetting what you’re doing.

Could you imagine if they auctioned off a day with our favorite Hallmark leads? I know many women who would drop money on Andrew Walker, Ryan Paevey, Luke Macfarlane, or Chad Michael Murray. I would actually consider dropping a few thousand on Ryan myself! I mean, if the money goes to charity, where’s the harm??

There definitely wasn’t any harm in the interview Kayla and Justin did together. How did Kayla not swoon when Justin softly gazed into her eyes, held her hand, and said, “I got you.” Be still my heart! I live for those Hallmark moments.

With all the sweet words, lingering gazes, and past history, it wasn’t surprising when there was a kiss just over an hour into the movie. These two had some serious chemistry brewing 🙂

Of course, shortly after the kiss was our climax where our two leads must decide which direction they want their lives to take. Unexpectedly, this is where we also get our second kiss! Did you hear that folks? Two kisses before the end of the movie. Hallmark, are you feeling okay? We’re getting a little riskaaayyy here.

I’m sure you’re now asking, is there a third kiss?? You’ll have to watch the movie to find out. I know, I’m mean. I’m told that almost every single day by at least one of my kiddos. Such is the life of a parent.

However, in between all the moments where I’m called mean are also the moments where I’m considered awesome, and this movie left me with an idea that will have them calling me awesome. Why? Because it left me wanting to run to the nearest ski hill! What’s more awesome than playing in snow?! Luckily being in Wisconsin, there are a few around here. I think we’ll be scheduling a trip really soon.

Before I leave on that trip, I want to encourage you to watch this movie. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed. It was a lot better than I expected. Plus, there are previews for Snowkissed. They were really cute!! Woot woot! Something to look forward to 🙂 Happy movie watching y’all!

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Movie Review: USS Christmas


Oh my goodness!! I tried to watch this movie 3 times. I’ll admit, the first 2 times, I half-assed attempted, but on the third try I fully committed – like I said “I do” – to watching it! I put the movie on, put my feet up, covered myself with my warm furry blanket, propped my Chromebook on my lap, and hunkered down to watch the movie.

And it kept my attention for…wait for it…2 MINUTES! 2 FREAKING MINUTES!! UGH! Have you ever tried catching a flea? My dogs had a couple of fleas this summer and those buggers are fast! You think you have your eye on it, and then it’s gone. That’s like this movie. 

I thought I was watching it, but I must have been staring into space, because I’m sitting here wondering what is going on?! I saw the opening scene where Maddie spills her drink on the other woman, I saw her ask for permission to take leave to go on the ship for the holidays, and then BAM! I’m watching Maddie find an article about a wedding and the movie is wrapping up.

Maybe I got abducted for an hour and a half? I mean, that’s the only reasonable explanation, right? Haha! Kidding! A shiny object must have caught my attention…SQUIRREL!

Anyhow, I think this movie and I weren’t a match made in Hallmark matrimony. I’m giving it 2 stars, because the beginning and end were okay. It was everything in between that just couldn’t hold my interest. So, I can’t recommend watching this movie, but if military movies are your thing, then give it a chance. I hope it’s better for you than it was for me!

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