Oh man! I really wanted to like this movie! I just couldn’t get into it. I gave it the 3 strikes and you’re out try, which makes me sad, because there are some cute moments in it. They just never built into anything better than a few cute moments.
Kate and Kevin meet because Kevin’s mom makes him go to the doctor about his leg. This scene was actually very cute and I’m pretty sure Kevin’s mom purposefully sent him to see Kate. She’s quite the meddlesome woman 😉
Shortly after meeting, Kate and Kevin are each sent a clue and key. They figure out the clue’s meaning, arrive at the same place at the same time, and wind up on a scavenger hunt of sorts. Through the process they learn more about each other and start falling in love.
I figured out who was behind the keys almost immediately and the clue tasks didn’t really keep me interested. Also, Steve Lund’s long hair was really distracting. I didn’t feel like it fit with his former military life, because it always looked messy and greasy-ish.
If you give it a try, let me know what you think! I hope you enjoy it more than I did. If you’re looking for another scavenger hunt type movie, I think Christmas Scavenger Hunt was a lot better. Happy movie watching y’all!