Hallmark Movie Review: Roadhouse Romance

Image via: https://www.hallmarkchannel.com/roadhouse-romance

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐

I feel like I was watching previews for this movie forever and the song Callie was singing really stayed in my head for hours after the commercial played! So, I had high hopes for the movie. But music alone cannot carry a movie and sadly, much of the movie didn’t do it for me.

Quick Re-Cap

Callie returns to her hometown after being deployed for two years. She quickly realizes a lot has changed during her deployment. While being overwhelmed from it all, she backs up her truck and Luke happens to run into it. It will take a few days to fix the car, so Luke and his agent, Dan, take a room at Tucker’s Roadhouse while they wait. This allows Callie and Luke time to get to know each other.

My Two Cents

I’m sorry y’all, but this movie didn’t do it for me. It wasn’t anything huge, it was a lot of little things…

  • Terrible lip syncing
  • Timeline issues…Callie left her high school boyfriend, was gone two years, then came back. Wouldn’t that make her 20/21? She’s definitely not 20. Luke is suppose to be a director. He would have to be more than 20. It feels like we’re missing something here.
  • The Hollywood girlfriend for Luke and ex high school boyfriend wanting Callie back aren’t needed for this story. They could have played up Luke being a Hollywood jerk instead and the restaurant needing help and left these two sidelines alone.
  • A DPT (physical therapist) works in a restaurant as a civilian? Why not continue the DPT work? – I heard this answered towards the end of the movie, but it bothered me until then.
  • The car’s purpose
  • The fake scenery during the car rides

Don’t get me wrong, there was several things I enjoyed.

  • The chemistry between Callie and Luke felt real and sweet.
  • I love small town romances, so that was a definite win.
  • Callie’singing.
  • George Jones was a musician, so it’s a fitting dog name in this town
  • The dog chase scene was super cute
  • Dan’s love of food. I’m not sure why I loved him indulging in food so much, but I really did.
  • The recipe location – this scene made me cry!
  • Dan’s romance with Callie’s Aunt

Overall, this is an okay movie. It was really hard for me to get into and I felt like it moved slow, but it was okay. There were parts of it that were really good, but an equal number of parts that were boring. I can’t really recommend it, but I wouldn’t tell you not to watch it either. It hangs in that weird place between. Maybe you won’t mind all the little things that annoyed me. Happy watching y’all!!

Have you seen it? What did you think? Leave a comment!

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