Image via: https://www.hallmarkmoviesandmysteries.com/time-for-them-to-come-home-for-christmas
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
I’m torn on the rating for this movie. I’d call it a solid 3.5, but since half stars are a pain in the butt and I can’t do them for books, I’ve rounded up for this. Here’s a quick re-cap and my two cents. 🙂
Quick Re-Cap
“Jane” is involved in an accident that causes amnesia. She has one clue to who she might be on a newspaper article for a tree lighting ceremony in Charleston. So, she decides to drive across country to see if she can find the person she was suppose to meet there. Paul, the nurse watching Jane, decides to assist her on the trip while he visits family in Georgia.
My Two Cents
This morning I caught Time for Me to Come Home for Christmas on TV and realized this is kind of a series. Of course, I’ve seen them all before. So, I’m not sure why I didn’t notice this. The names are all super similar and it seems like they’re doing one every year.
- Time for Me to Come Home for Christmas (2018)
- Time for You to Come Home for Christmas (2019)
- Time for Us to Come Home for Christmas (2020)
As a tribute to Time for You to Come Home for Christmas, they did an Alison Sweeney cameo! There was another Jamie screaming at the TV moment. I’m glad y’all weren’t here to hear that tonight! It’s just me and the puppies, but they don’t even bother looking at me anymore when I scream at the TV. I guess it’s too regular of an occurrence. Haha.
Okay, going back to this movie…I always love Jessy Schram!! She is adorable in everything she does. I love her when she has funny/comedic roles, but this was good too. Even in this serious movie, she managed to bring a smile to my face and make me laugh.
Which was needed when they started talking about Paul’s brother, Ben. That hit too close to home and I understand where Paul was coming from. Everyone grieves in their own way.
Overall, I liked this movie. I don’t think it belongs on my Countdown to Christmas must see list, but it’s a solid romance. It might make you tear up at the end and at a few spots in between. Give it a try! Let me know what you thought! Leave a comment!
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